chapter one - the meeting.

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chapter one.


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      "JESS, WAKE UP!"

      Eileen Danes scrambled around their shared living quarters, desperately trying to get ready before Luke came fuming upstairs. It was rush hour at the diner — early morning breakfast time for town locals — and if both her and Jess weren't bussing tables and serving food within the next ten minutes, there would be hell to pay. However, her slacker of a cousin didn't seem to worry much, his snores loud enough to wake the entire block.

      Before Jess' arrival in Stars Hallow, it had just been Eileen and her dad for as long as she could remember. They had a set routine. They had responsibilities. They had traditions. Eileen's mother had left during the girl's infanthood, so all of her memories centered around her relationship with her father. They were as thick as thieves.

      As much as Eileen loved her cousin — after all, it was nice having someone around had similar taste in music and pop culture — Jess definitely threw off their groove. He overslept, he didn't do his fair share of chores, he refused to participate in town events unless dragged by the ear. He was moody, unreasonable, and lazy. His attitude wasn't something she was used to in a town like Stars Hallow. The boy's arrival definitely threw a curveball at the Danes family, and there was still a lot of progress to be made. For now, however, Eileen would just have to make do.

      "Jess!" Eileen yelled at the sleeping boy, earning a groan of disregard from the pile of pillows and blankets.

      "Fine! You know what?" Eileen muttered hastily under her breath. "I know what'll get you up."

      The young girl marched to the wooden cupboards, pulling out a drinking glass and filling it with cold water from the tap. With a wide smirk and a hand on her denim-clad hip, Eileen dumped the icy liquid onto Jess without warning.

      "Jesus! What the hell?" Jess shot up quickly, the water soaking both his body and his bed.

      "Good! You're up," Eileen said with a satisfied grin, before throwing a blue dish towel in his direction. "Here. You might wanna get dried off. You've got ten minutes to be dressed and downstairs."

      Jess simply stared at the girl, awestruck at her abruptness. "You're kidding, right?"

      "I'm as serious as a heart attack," she replied with a sickeningly sweet grin. "Ten minutes!"

      Before running out of the apartment, Eileen grabbed her signature brown bandana and tied it around the top of her head. She secured it tightly, making sure it would keep her curtain bangs out of her face throughout the day. With a final glance in the mirror and a tug on her red converse shoelaces, the Danes girl was out the door, leaving a soaked and annoyed brunette in her dust.

come on eileen ✿ dave rygalskiWhere stories live. Discover now