chapter two - the falling.

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chapter two.


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      "DO YOU REALLY have to bring Shane along?" Eileen whispered to her cousin with an eye-roll. The two were walking towards the town gazebo, where Jess' blonde 'girlfriend' was waiting. There was nothing Eileen had against Shane necessarily, but she wasn't the easiest person to get along with. She didn't talk in full sentences, she ignored Eileen's countless attempts to be friendly, and she wasn't Rory. Jess and Rory had always been endgame in Eileen's book.

"Yes," Jess replied, nudging her shoulder. "I like Shane."

"No you don't."

"Yes I do."

"No you don't."

"Yes I do."

"No, Jess, you don't. You pretend that you like her so that you don't have to confront your true feelings for a certain private school girl," Eileen explained, fidgeting with the rings on her fingers as they walked. "Shane is just a distraction."

Jess stopped suddenly, turning towards his barely younger cousin and pointing his finger at her. "See, baby cousin, that's where you're wrong. Rory has nothing to do with this."

Eileen rolled her eyes again and began walking again. "Okay, first of all, I'm less than a year younger than you. And second, of course Rory has something to do with this. It's not a coincidence that you just so happened to starting seeing Shane right when Rory left for her summer program. You didn't want to spend your summer thinking about her, so you got a blonde bimbo to distract you. I can't say I blame you, though. It makes sense."

      Jess scoffed, "you don't know what you're talking about. Besides, what would you know about guys? You couldn't even tell when one was flirting with you this morning."

      "He was flirting with me?" Eileen asked quickly, eyes opened wide.

      "Yes, cuz.' Literally anyone with eyes could've told you that. It was gross."

      Eileen blushed at the thought of a guy flirting with her. Well, not just any guy — Dave. Guitar Dave. Sweater Dave. "I wonder if he'll come to the diner again."

      "Hopefully not," Jess said bluntly. "I didn't have the best time watching him flirt with you. He has absolutely no game. Oh, Eileen, you're so funny. Oh, it was just so cool what you did in biology. Oh, you just have to come see my little boy band. Oh, I think we should just run off and get married," the Mariano boy imitated Dave, waving his arms around in dramatics.

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