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Don't judge any spelling mistakes I'm writing this at 3 am with long ass nails

Shreks pov:

I wake up to the sound of grunting, I look to my left and see my girlfriend popping a squat and shitting on my new bed sheets. "Amber what the fuck" I say seductively, trying to distract her from whatever the fuck she's doing. I get up and scratch my ass. I then look up to see her face purple and blue making intense eye contact with me with tears in her eyes. I swat at her forgetting I'm an ogre and she goes flying into the wall, shit trailing behind her. "Baby cheeks are you okay?" I ask genuinely concerned because half over her body was stuck in the wall facing our bed. I stroll over to her, and casually pull her out and set her down on the floor. "Ur so stwong 🥺" she says while twerking on me, getting shit stains on my COCOMELLON panties.

Amber's pov:

I feel his strong arms around me, stopping me from twerking. I think I was turning him on and he can't take it anymore. Hehe. The picks me up and carries me towards the bed and just when I think I'm about to get some morning coochie grinds he throws me onto the bed and I splash in my own shit.

Amber heard x Shrek Where stories live. Discover now