9 || One

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Chapter 9: One

Why hadn't Ashton told me?

He'd signed up for the most dangerous boxing tournament in his career, why?

Suddenly, the possibility of Ashton getting hurt felt more real than ever, I dreaded the thought of what I was about to witness behind that screen the moment Jessica turned on the TV.

I could feel sweat prickling down my forehead. Angie held me close to her, her grip reassuring.

This can't be happening? Why hadn't I stopped him when he brought it up? Why? Just why?

I stared in horror as the TV turned on, displaying a boxing arena, a B.S.T posted on the ring.

A man in suit walked up into the ring, a mic in his hand, smiling as he spoke.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to welcome you all to this year's instalment of the Black Spinel Tournament…"

The crowd erupted in cheers, all clapping and laughing. I could feel my stomach churn.

"This year, we have some promising candidates, as well as a guest appearance from three times UFC champion, Mr Jaxon Malik…"

The mention of his name sent shivers down my spine as the camera cut to me Malik seated, a small smile placed on his lips as he waved to a crowd of adoring fans.

How could he let his own son do this? Why would he sign Ashton up for this? Didn't he care Ashton could get severely hurt?

"Now the rules are simple," the announcer continued. "With each new round every week, candidates are expected to defeat their opponents to progress, losers are disqualified and are expected to leave the premises immediately, if they can walk that is."

He began laughing like he'd just made the funniest joke ever, the crowd soon following. I couldn't help but bury my face, trying to catch my breath.

I grabbed my phone, quickly sending Ashton a text.

Maddie- Ashton, we need to talk.

A part of me prayed he got the message, he was on his way here and not there.

No reply.

I immediately sent the message again but still didn't get a reply, it hadn't even been read.

"He'll be fine, Maddie," Angie said, trying to reassure me. "He's trained all his life for this."

"What if it's not enough? What if…" I trailed off, feeling the realisation and fear of the situation creep up on me.

"It will be," Jessica said as she slid closer to me, wrapping me in a hug.

"Now to introduce our first contestant…" the announcer spoke. I watched as the names of sixteen boxers appeared on screen some names familiar.

Joey Malcolm.

Devin Laschester.

Other names unfamiliar. My eyes trailed forever the list until I found his, Ashton Malik.

"Our first match of the day, this candidate needs no introduction, he's arguably the most well-known fighter we have today, son of UFC champion, a child protégé and arguably the best fighter Prinscott college has to offer…"

My heart sank, my breathing hitched.

"... Ashton Malik!"

The moment Ashton walked in, the crowd went wild, all cheering and screaming. Ashton, who'd always been in a suave mood, didn't react to any of the cheers, his eyes fixed on the ring.

I watched as each muscle tensed as he walked, muscles I'd grown very familiar with. His gloves were black, matching his shorts which hung loosely around his waist.

Anxiety rushed through me, I reassured myself he'd be okay as the opponent walked in.

It was a guy almost the same age as Ashton although he looked a bit older. He had a broader chest and an arguably larger physique.

His eyes glued on Ashton once he saw him.

"Don't worry, he knows better than to underestimate Ashton," Angie told me, clasping my hand in hers.

She was right, although Ashton didn't look like much compared to this guy, his reputation preceded him.

Ashton was no doubt just as tough as these boxers.

So why was I scared? Why did I find it hard to breathe when I watched as the opponent raised his arms, taking an attack stance?

A lady walked between the two men, beginning the countdown for the match.

"3, 2...”

Ashton please, don't die.



So, how's everyone doing, any racing hearts?

Next chapter continues right where we left off, hope you guys enjoyed these chapter though. I know it was short like a lot of my chapters but I promise the next one would be a little longer.

Don't forget to vote if you're enjoying the story.

See ya

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