17 || Self Doubt

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Okay so before we get into the story, just a quick heads up. A lot was going on when I wrote this chapter, it took a lot longer to write (3 days) and it's honestly not my best effort... But it serves its purpose so I hope you enjoy... sorry about that, promise I'll put more effort I further chapters :)


Chapter 17: Self Doubt

I could stare at him forever...

From his perfectly symmetrical face to his angelic expression as he slept, no shirt on, right on my bed. The timbers of each breath vibrating down his chest.

The day had already began and he still wasn't gone. He'd stayed all night. I watched as he gently stirred, a soft tuft of hair falling over his face perfectly. I turned to my nightstand and grabbed my phone.

It was like in the movies, when you saw something so precious to you, you instinctively needed to capture the moment and I needed to capture this. Ashton, not the boxer but just Ashton, the guyni'd gotten to know and love.

Maybe it was a little bit creepy taking a photo while he slept...

Okay, that is definitely very creepy when taken out of context, but you know what they say, "Take a picture, it'll last longer." Well, I wanted this to last forever.

I set the timer for the picture to three seconds, casually watching him.



His alarm went off. Ashton stirred, waking up to the light of my camera blaring in his face. I was startled, letting the phone fall right out my hand and to the bed between us. We both simultaneously looked down at the image of a shocked Ashton, eyes wide open.

I could feel my cheeks turning red as I looked to him. "I swear, it's not what you think," I immediately defended, embarrassed.

He grinned. "What I think's your awful at photography." He smiled, dropping his head to the pillow. "Good morning."

"Good morning," I replied with a flustered smile. Ashton had never slept the night at my place. For once in a long while, I was worried about things I never even thought of.

Does my breath stink?

Any boogers in my eye?

"You have that look, the cute worried one," he mumbled.

Okay, at least he called me cute. No need to worry I guess. He hopped out the bed, wearing a simple pair of black Calvin Klein briefs, his smooth back muscles and legs exposed to my view... I could stare at him all day.

I sighed, picking up my phone and checking the time.


Ashton turned to me. "Everything good?"

"I'm late for class." I shuffled out of bed, rushing into the bathroom to brush.

He raised a brow. "The great Maddison Maurice? Late?" He teased.

I threw him a glare as I pressed paste to my brush. "Don't start with me Ashton."

He chuckled as he put on his jeans, a small smile on his lips. "I've got you, I'll make some coffee and get you something to eat. Focus on getting ready."

I nodded. I could kiss him right now but at the moment, my mouth was a foamy mess so I just nodded.

"Maddie, your class began twenty minutes ago." Jessica banged against the door.

Ashton opened the door, the both of them facing each other.

"Hey." Ashton smiled.

Jessica simply stared, her expression neutral. She peeped over Ashton right at me in the bathroom, then back to Ashton.

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