13 || Move On

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Chapter 13: Move on

“We shouldn’t be here,” I said to Angie as she and Jessica pushed past the crowd.

“Of course we should, both Ashton and Devin have a match tonight,” Angie explained, giving Jessica a sly look at the mention of Devin.

“I’m here just cause he begged me to come, nothing else,” Jessica mumbled. “I don’t get why anyone would like to be stuck in a sweaty messy arena just to watch two men fight.”

I laughed, it was no surprise Jessica wasn’t a big boxing fan, she barely knew anything about the sport. She was more invested in the athletes.

Angie’s phone pinged, she stared at it for a second, finally turning to us. “The boys are already in, we just have to get through this queue.” She pointed towards the outstanding number of audience waiting to get in.

Jessica scoffed. “What do I look like? There’s no way I’m waiting for an hour just to get in…”

She began pushing past the others, gesturing for us to follow her. “Excuse me, queen coming through. “

Angie and I followed right behind, apologizing to everyone she casually pushed out the way. We finally made it to the bouncer, he stared down at Jessica who didn’t seem fazed by his intimidating size. This guy could probably break us with one hand like a cracker.

“Is there a problem?” he asked.

“No! Not at all” I said with fear for my life, “we were just going back to the queue.”

“Actually, there is,” Jessica retorted.

“No, there isn’t,” Angie and I yelled.

Jessica scoffed, turning to the bouncer. “Has anyone told you how good you look today?” she said, flicking a stray strand of straight dark locks.

The bouncer, who’d been intimidatingly scowling, was pleasantly smiling now, surprised. “You think so?”

“Definitely!” Jess continued. “The tux and suspenders go quite well.”

“Oh thank you.”

Was Jessica… flirting?

“Hope you don’t mind we go through, our friends are already in and it would mean a lot if I could get a seat.”

A man who’d seemed adamant to let us in a few seconds ago was now nodding. “Tickets please?”

We handed him our tickets, making our way in.

“Woah! Jess, what was that?” Angie asked once we got in. “it was like you casted a whole ass charm on him.”

Jessica laughed. “It works on most of them.”

Just great, Jessica could get a whole ass bouncer to give her a pass and I couldn’t even get the cashiers to give me a discount after buying twelve Oreos a single day, how was that fair?

“Took you guys forever.”

We turned to find Alex and Justin making their way to us through the crowd. Alex’s tattoo visible underneath his rolled up sleeves, Justin in a simple crew neck and jeans, hair in an I-woke-up-like-this look.

“Don’t tell me you missed us?” Angie laughed, placing a small kiss on Alex cheeks that almost left me squealing.

Another point for #Anlex.

“Maddie, I’ve missed you.” Justin said, pulling me into a hug.

“Didn’t we text just thirty minutes ago?”

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