38 || Us

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A/N: A chapter has been posted earlier this morning, please do read that first. Okay bye;)


Chapter 38: Us

5 days later

I was cursed, that had to be the only answer.

I groaned, throwing my phone unto the coffee table with frustration. I couldn't just get past the latest candy crush level.

Just as my frustration was quickly bubbling over, my phone pinged.

I reluctantly picked it back up to find a text from Ashton.

Ashton- mind if I stop by tonight? we should talk

I sighed, a part of me felt guilty, we hadn't spoken since the incident at the interview and to be honest, a part of that was my fault.

I'd decided to give myself enough time to think, about everything. Mr Malik's ultimatum still swimming in my mind.

But I'd finally made my decision, I wasn't going to make the same mistakes from my past, I was going to tell Ashton the truth. My eyes darted to the envelope peeking out my bag on the coffee table.

Although I was going to tell Ashton everything tonight, I didn't think we could continue… this.

It had taken me a while to come to terms with that fact, I'd spent my days thinking it through and nights crying but I knew it was the right thing. As much as I loved Ashton, it was best for both of us.

I knew I was never going to get the happy fairy tales I saw in stories, I knew I was never going to feel true love… not when everyone and everything was against us.

I didn't want to be some burden to Ashton, I knew this was what was best for both of us.

It took me a solid second to send back a reply.

Madison - Yeah, we need to talk.

The door swung open, Jessica and Angie finally returning from an impromptu class.

"Weekend classes should be registered as child abuse," Angie commented.

"Tell me about it." Jess groaned. Both girls fell to the couch beside me, letting out relieved yawns.

They quickly noticed my silence. Jess turning to me. "Maddie, you good?"

I gave her a small smile. "Yeah, I'm fine… just stressed."

Angie searched my face with narrowed brows. "Girl, you've skipped a week's worth of class, your eyes are so red, it's like you've been crying a fountain, what's going on?"

"I'm fine guys, can we not talk about this right now," I said, hesitant to relive the memory. "How was class?"

Jessica and Angie finally stared at each other, deciding not to push the subject.

"Boring as always," Jessica said. "But there's other news."

I gave an excited smile, eager to push my current predicament as far back from my mind as possible. "Spill it!"

"Alex asked me to be his girlfriend," Angie blurted in excited giggles.

My eyes widened, a pleasant surprise on my face. "What? When?"

"Three days ago," Jessica said.

I turned to Angie. "What? Why didn't you tell me?"

"You've hardly been yourself lately, I thought it wasn't the time."

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