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v.                 star filled sky

The girls body trembled in the darkened room. The room began to get cold & out from the window came rain. Juniper's stomach rumbled in the dark, trying to swallow her own saliva, dying from thirst. The temperature dropped every minute & each time she began to feel more numb. .

"finney", the girl parted from her chapped lips.

" yeah?". His sick voice mumbled. Juniper had felt to become congested & her throat began to hurt from all the coughs she had parted.

The boy could feel Juniper's shaking body from across the mattress. 

" come here", Finney's voice sounded tired as well as congested.

She turned her back around to face him, endearingly , the two teens were directly close. She could feel his shaky hot breath on her fore, as he draped his arms over her. She stayed in his chest for as long she could remember.

" Is this okay?", the boy asked worryingly
The girl mumbled before beginning to catch her heartbeat.

" Thank you Finn", the boy smiled.

"Yeah", his quivering voice chuckled.

Finney looked down to the girl and gave her a reassuring tight-lipped smile. Juniper began to deeply breathe in his chest as she closed her eyes, trying to find sleep.  

" you remind me of the star filled sky. ", he smiled. The girl groaned in response, slowly opening her eyelids. She looked up at the curly haired boy.

He gently pulled a strand of the girl's hair behind her ear. The sun's tip began to rise & still the sky poured. He admired the girls face features as his eyes inspected her forehead to her nose. Down to her cheeks, and dimples, to her lips.

" what do you see?", Juniper nervously laughed. Her heart paced itself , her breathing hitched so much that she only thought about the pounding in my chest. Maybe he can hear it. 

He took one of her hands and placed it on his wrist, right above his pulse on his right hand.

"can you feel it?"

She nodded while he cheekily smirked at the girl.

The door clanged , and they both sat up, looking towards it. He looked over at her & she looked over at him.

The grabber came down with a tray of food. He had on different clothes, which only meant they've been there for another day.

" I made you kids some breakfast"

" What did you put in that?", Finney spoke as he stood up.

The grabber looked down to the tray " Salt and Pepper", he giggled looking at the boy.

" Oh, eat it, don't eat it", he said in a gross voice.

" You're already down here", he smiled behind the mask

" what do I need to drug you for?", he looked towards the girl with a disturbing glare. 

The grabber didn't look back to the teens as he walked back up the stairs. The door didn't clang shut.

Finney looked over at Juniper before stomping to the door. He held the handled & slowly began to open it, before the cell began to ring.

The teens looked at each other as the girl stood up.

Juniper grasped the phone in her left hand.

Silence pierced through the line.
" Don't Go Upstairs"

" Why not?"

" It's a trap"

" Are you?- Are you Bruce?", the struggled to say

" Who's Bruce?"

" Uh, I was just talking to Bruce. Bruce Yamada?"

" I don't know any Bruce."

" He's the baseball player."

" We don't play baseball here", the voice roughly said

" Who are you?"

" I don't remember."
" Did you play any sports? Soccer, football?"

" I delivered newspapers. Collected five cents every Friday."
" Billy?"

" You're Billy Showalter"

" No, you're Billy", Juniper spoke loudly as Finney continued to look at the girl.

" Whatever you do. DON'T GO UPSTAIRS."
" what's he doing?"

" He's waiting. On the other side with that fucking belt. He didn't say you can leave, so if you try, he'll punish you. He'll beat you with that belt until you pass out."

" It's hurts, kid. It hurts real bad. You'll cry. You'll beg him to stop. We all did. But he just keeps beating you", the line clicked.

" Hello?". The girl put the phone back in its case & looked over at Finney.

" It's a trap. He's waiting for us on the other side. He has a plan."

Finney backed away from the door.

Juniper walked back from the telephone case and walked where Finney knelt. They sat in front of each other facing down to the tray.

He decided to take a taste before she did. He looked at the girl nodding.

Juniper began to eat as he drank the soda. Her rumbling tummy began to calm as he signaled her to take a drink.

They didn't know when the next meal would be, so they enjoyed every second. They didn't stuff their mouths, instead, they slowly ate. 

Appreciating each other's presence.


author's corner,

i am so thankful for all the support

you readers are so lovely!

𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒, Finney BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now