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xii                honey & pie

A whole hour. One whole hour is what it felt like to the girl as her mother held her in her arms, between her chest. She cried non-stop, as Juni shut her eyes, feeling more tired each second she was kept in the warmth.

The teens were quickly separated into different ambulance cars, the paramedics checking for any physical injuries. Finney wasn't able to say goodbye to her, because for fifteen minutes straight, his father pleaded for forgiveness. He sat on his knees, apologizing severely.

Juni laid her back against the hot water that filled the tub. Her mother had rubbed her back softly, with bubbly soap and erased all the tears off her face with the water. Juniper stared up in the ceiling, thinking. She didn't blink or eyes twice, not even once. She stayed frozen, too warm to even move.

She felt better, after the freezing nights she passed in the disgusting room. She wondered about Finney and his beautiful smile.

She knew she was falling. And she smiled, not wanting to admit a word about it. Juni pushed her head into the water and blew out.

Finney laid in bed finally fresh, and ready to sleep. He tossed and turned, yet he seemed to be unable to dream. His brain raced with thought of Juniper not being safe. He promised himself that she was doing well. He just hoped he was right. He couldn't stand the feeling of not being with her.
He pulled the blankets off himself as he walked over to his closet. He pulled over a grey hoodie with his black-baggy sweat pants.

He climbed out the window from his bed, slowly shutting the sills.

Juni woke up to a sound outside her window.
Small rocks were being thrown against her window. She froze, afraid of the outside figure to know she was awake.
" Juni?"

The familiar voice confused her head. She stood up from her bed and peered through the curtain. She saw the boy's familiar hair and his awkward stance.

She pushed away her pink curtains and opened the window open.
He smiled
" what are you doing here?"

The boy shrugged his shoulders with his hands in his hoodies pockets.
" couldn't sleep."

" come in, you'll catch a cold."

The boy hesitantly looked around the neighborhood before walking in through the window. He landed with a small thud as the girl quickly shushed him.

𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒, Finney BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now