Yuzu: Fusion Foes

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(Yuzu's POV)

Winter Formal is tomorrow night, and I've already have someone in mind to go to the Dance with. He's charming, sweet, super nice to everyone, very attractive and not to mention a strong Duelist. He's the perfect date to go to the Dance with and would be the perfect boyfriend for me.

His name is Y/n. I've got a major crush on him ever since I met him. We're seniors at You Show High, and I met him in freshman year. I struggled with Dueling and he was my partner during Dueling lessons. He helped me out so much and I also had a blast with him during those lessons.

As I spent most of my time with him during Dueling lessons, I eventually found myself liking him more and more and admitted to myself that I've got a crush on him. He helped me make my deck better as he gave me fusion Melodious monsters that he pulled from booster packs. He also helped me search for fusion cards for them. And here I am, 3 years later as a senior, still haven't even gone to a dance here at this school with him nor even hung out with him outside of school.

But this year is different, I have to go to the upcoming dance with him, it's the last chance I'll get before I graduate. School hasn't started yet, it's only 20 minutes until the first period bell rings. I go to my locker, just right beside my crush's locker, conveniently.

As I open it, I put my stuff that I don't need in there and put the stuff I got for Y/n right in front of everything. It's just a small heart shaped box of chocolates. Nothing too special. As I put my stuff inside my locker, I get shoved a bit from my left, only to see my rival.

Yuzu: Ouch!

???: Oops! My bad, mistakes happen. Guess that's why you were born.

Yuzu: Grr... Julia.

I hate Julia with all my heart but Julia and I had something in common; We both have a massive crush on Y/n. Seems like in Math class, she was partners with him and he helped her a lot and even helped her pass with an A. Eventually, she also developed a crush on him after spending so much time with him in Math class. But I had my eyes on him first! First come, first serve, right?

She opens her locker, which is conveniently also right by Y/n's locker, just on the opposite side of me.

Julia: I know what you're thinking, Yuzu.

Yuzu: Huh?

Julia: You're thinking about asking Y/n to Winter Formal.

Yuzu: Uh, no duh. I liked him first.

Julia: Yeah? Well, that's what I was thinking about as well.

Yuzu: What makes you think you get to ask him out? I had my eyes on him first. First come, first serve, right?

Julia: Exactly, that's why I'm gonna ask him out first!

She says as she closes her locker. I looked over and noticed a box of chocolates in her hands.

Yuzu: (gasp) No!

Julia: See you later, I'm gonna find Y/n!

She darts away quickly. I grab my box of chocolates, shut my locker and run towards her. We both know where Y/n is at every morning; In the Dueling Arena, dueling anyone he can find.

I catch up to Julia and we both run side to side into the Dueling Arena. And it seems like we arrived right when Y/n finished a duel. We saw the cards on the field clear out and Y/n helped his opponent up.

You: You okay?

Opponent: Yeah, I'm okay. That was a good duel, you're Pendulum's are really powerful!

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