Yuzu: Jealousy

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(Yuzu's POV)

It's Duel Period and I'm just on the Sidelines watching my crush, Y/n, dueling somebody and his opponent is dominating him.

Opponents LP: 4000
Opponents Field:
- King's Knight: 1600/1400 *4
- Queen's Knight: 1500/1600 *4
- Jack's Knight: 1900/1000 *5

Your LP: 100
Your Field:
Performapal Sleight Hand Magician: 2500/2000 *7

Scale 1: Stargazer Magician
Scale 8: Timegazer Magician

Opponent: I end my turn!

Yuzu: C'mon Y/n! You can win this!

You: Alright, just gotta draw the right card... My move!

He looked at the card in his hand and smiled. Just by his smile, I could tell he drew the card he needed to win and smiled as well.

You: First off, I Pendulum Summon from my Extra Deck Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!

Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon: 2500/2000 *7

You: Then, I activate the spell card, Polymerization! I fuse my Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon with my Performapal Sleight Hand Magician! I Fusion Summon!! Now taking center stage, give it up for Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!!!

Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon: 3000/2500 *8

Yuzu: (Gasp) Rune-Eyes!

Opponents: 3000 Attack points?! Grr, so what? I still have enough life points to survive!

You: (Chuckles) We'll see about that, because the number of times my Rune-Eyes can attack depends on the level of the Spellcaster-Type monster used for its Fusion Material! Since Performapal Sleight Hand Magician was level 7, Rune-Eyes can attack 3 times!

Opponent: What?!

Yuzu: (Giggles) Go Y/n!!!

You: Rune-Eyes! Take out all 3 of his Knights!! Triple Spiral Sky Shot!!!

"Rune-Eyes attacked all 3 Knights and the Opponents life points went down exactly by 4000 and making him fly back"

Opponent: Ahh!!!

Opponent's LP: 4000 ---> 0

(Winner: Y/n L/n)

After the field cleared out, Y/n helped his opponent up from the ground. Once he helped him up, I walked over to him to congratulate him.

Yuzu: Y/n, good job-

???: Y/n-baby!!!

Yuzu: Eh?!

Suddenly from my left, a girl ran up to Y/n and completely tackled him. She started nuzzling his cheek with her cheek and once I saw that, I started to boil.

???: That was an awesome duel! You're the best honey!

You: Ah! Aura?!

Yuzu: Grr! Aura...

I. Hate. Aura. I hate seeing her and I definitely hate seeing her with Y/n. She thinks her and Y/n are duel-mates, she says it's destiny for them to be together. That's not destiny, it's fantasy. Anytime I see her get lovey-dovey with Y/n, I just want to wack her with my fan.

Aura: Oo~ Why are you such a cutie?! I love you so much!

You: Gah~ Man you like to nuzzle!

Yuzu: Grr! GET OFF OF HIM!!!

I swung my fan towards her but it seems like Y/n saw it coming and reacted quickly. He rolled over and dodged it.

You: Geez! YUZU?!

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