Serena: Fight For Love

405 4 0

(Your POV)

You/Serena: Let's Duel!!!

Your LP: 4000

Serena's LP: 4000

We both have our duel disks activated and our starting 5 cards in our hands. And we're not dueling for fun, we've got a bet going on.

Serena: You know the deal! If I win, you become my boyfriend!

She said in an angry tone. I just chuckle and smile. She's been giving me clear hints that she wants to go out but never actually asked me out. And I've been pretending to be dense and sometimes would tease her about it. Now, she's had enough and is challenging me to a duel.

You: And if I win, I get to go out with your friend, Alexis!

Serena: Alexis?! You want to go out with Alexis?!

You: Yup! Just hook me up with her when I win, okay?

Serena: Uh- I, uh...

She's hesitant now about this duel. She either wins and She's my girlfriend, or she loses and her best friend is my girlfriend. But that's just incentive for her to win, of course if I win, I wouldn't have her hook me up with her best friend.

You: What? Wanna back out?

Serena: Huh? No way! I'm winning for sure!

You: Alright then, go ahead. Ladies first.

Serena: I draw! I activate Polymerization! I fuse from my hand Lunalight Kaleido Chick and Lunalight Yellow Marten! I Fusion Summon!! Lunalight Cat Dancer!!!

Lunalight Cat Dancer: 2400/2000 *7

Serena: I end my turn. Your go!

You: Cool! I draw!

I look at my hand and get excited.

You: First off, I summon Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio!

Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio: 1200/800 *3

You: Next, I activate it's effect! When it's normal or special summoned, I can discard 1 monster from my hand and special summon a Predaplant monster from my deck. So, I'll discard Predaplant Byblips and summon Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra!

Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra: 1000/1500 *3

You: Then, I activate Darlingtonia Cobra's effect! When it's Special Summoned by the effect of a Predaplant monster, I can add 1 "Polymerization" or 1 "Fusion" spell card from my deck to my hand!

I search through my deck and grab me a Polymerization.

You: But also, I activate Byblip's effect from the graveyard! When it's sent to the Graveyard, I can add 1 Predaplant monster from my deck to my hand!

I search through my deck and grab a Predaplant Spinodionaea.

You: Finally, I activate Polymerization! I fuse my Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio with my Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra! I Fusion Summon!! Starving Venom Fusion Dragon!!!

Starving Venom Fusion Dragon: 2800/2000 *8

Serena: Shoot, Your ace!

You: Yup! And I activate Starving Venom's effect! This let's me target 1 monster on your field that was Special Summoned, and Starving Venom gains the targeted Monster! So, he'll be gaining your Cat Dancer's attack points until the end of this turn!

Starving Venom Fusion Dragon: 2800 ---> 5200

Serena: Grr...

You: Now, Starving Venom Fusion Dragon! Attack her Lunalight Cat Dancer!!

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