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season four,

episode nine: the piggyback part two

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episode nine: the piggyback
part two

TWO DAYS HAVE passed since the earthquake that split Hawkin's in half. Everyone was moving out, saying Hawkins was now a death town and they shouldn't be living there.

Fah felt numb these past days, which wasn't a surprise. Eddie's body was still in the Upside Down, Fah now had his necklace on with him, it was something that reminded him of Eddie when he missed him.

He stuffs his last shirt into his bag. It was quiet here without Eddie, his beer can from when they were last here was still on the table.

Fah adjusts his tie, getting ready to go back home since he didn't want to be here anymore. He checks the cabinets, looking to see if he left anything else behind. After opening one, he hears glass shatter to the floor.

Sighing in annoyance, Fah picked up a piece of the glass and recognized it immediately.

It was a bottle of beer, the kind him and Eddie use to drink together as they talked about the deepest shit. Fah exhaled, his breath shuddering before a puddle formed under his eyes.

He slides down, covering his eyes as he let out a soft sob. Fah misses Eddie more than ever. He can't get him back. He can't see him again. Eddie's gone.

Fah just didn't want to accept that. He didn't want to accept any of it. He just wanted Eddie to come back to him.


Sawyer, Steve, Dustin, and Nancy we're outside of the Wheelers house. They're were getting ready to donate some things to the school. "Is that my shirt?" Steve asked Sawyer as he notices her grey sweater that looked a little bit too big on her.

"Did somebody order a pizza?" She asks, looking at the pizza van pulling up behind them. "Pizza? Don't change the sub—" Steve stops talking as he sees that she was right, there was a pizza van.

After parking, the door opens. The group all had wide eyes, happy expressions. There was Mike, Jonathan, Will, Eleven, and some other guy. They came back from California, smiles on their faces.

But, enough of that.

"He opened his eyes, and further words died in his throat. He forgot about the need to sick up that horrible parody of wine. He forgot about his mother, and Uncle Morgan, and his father, and almost everything else." Lucas reads to Pi, who was trying to fall asleep on the bed.

"Speedy was gone. The graceful arcs of the roller coaster against the sky were gone. He could feel the hair stirring on the nape of his neck, could feel a goofed up grin pulling at the corner of his mouth. Speedy! I'm here, my God! I'm here in the territories!"

Lucas looks back up at Pi, seeing he was already sound asleep. Yes, he was okay. After undergoing surgery, he was remained to stay in bed for a couple more days so his stomach would stop swelling up.

However, Max was in a coma. Not knowing when she was going to wake up.

He grabs onto his hand, a smile appearing on his face. "Lucas." He spoke softly. "I thought you were as—Im really sorry I didn't do anything to help you and Jason."

Lucas sighed, "I already told you, Pi. I was protecting you. You were supposed to not help." He explains carefully. "Are we still gonna go on a date once I'm out of here?" He asks, making his new lover laugh.

"Yes, we are."

Fah parks in front of the Hawkins Middle School, seeing a shit ton of people there. He gets out of the car, going in to say a goodbye to the group.

The high school was now used as a shelter for the ones who got hurt or lost their homes during the quake. It was also a donation center.

He limps inside, looking at the people getting taken care of, seeing helpers and people in need of help. Fah hated that this all happened. He thought this was a joke, why would Vecna do this to them? Make them suffer?

He saw Steve and Sawyer folding clothes, Robin making food, and Dustin passing water out. He was first one to notice the male.

Dustin walks towards him, sighing. "How are you?" He asks softly, patting his shoulder. "I'm..tired." Fah chuckles. "Not looking forward to driving back home for almost ten hours."

Fah then sighed, his soft smile dropping quickly. "Drive safe. Alright? We're really gonna miss you, buddy." Dustin explains. "Don't miss me too much." Fah jokes, laughing a bit.

Dustin was glad he still smiled, but that didn't mean Fah wasn't in pain. "Can I ask you one more thing before you go?"

He looks at Dustin who motioned his head behind him. Fah turns around, seeing a putting up a new missing poster of Eddie. "Eddie's uncle." He says, Fah looking back.

Fah knew what Dustin wanted him to do.

He took a deep breath, "good luck." Dustin whispers before walking past him. Fah bit the inside of his cheek as he watched him about to leave. He quickly limps towards the man, "Mr. Munson?" He calls out which earned his attention.

"My names...My name is Fah. Can we talk?" He asks politely. He denies, "who are you? Because we have nothing to talk about. My nephew is innocent, and he's still missing."

He gulps, wondering what to say. "I was.." Fah looked down, "I was dating your nephew." He stops in his tracks, looking back at him. "I was with him when the earthquake hit." He lets out.

"And...where is Eddie now?"

Fah's stomach dropped, the memory of Eddie dying in his arms coming back again. Fah's lips tremble, a puddle forming under his eyes. "I'm sorry.." He lets out.

His uncle looked down in sorrow, a painful feeling hitting his chest and it made it worse as he saw his necklace around him. "I wish everyone got to know him good. Because he wasn't a monster like everyone said he was." Fah explains to him.

"And he fought..he could've ran. But he didn't.." He huffs, looking down as he wipes his tears. "He died just to save this town. A town that hated and despised him." The words began to make the uncle cry now.

"He's a hero, Mr. Munson." He croaks out. "And I...I loved him for that." Fah sniffles as the uncle sobbed. Fah rubs his back in comfort, knowing the exact pain he was dealing with.

Sawyer looks up at the window from the bleachers, seeing..snow coming down from the sky. However, Sawyer knew that shit wasn't snow.

Fah and Dustin both head outside, Mr. Munson following behind them. The sky was dark, snow looking things falling from the sky.

The other people we're confused, but Fah recognized the "snow" easily.

Pi looks at the window near his bed, Lucas following next. "Lucas.." He spoke. They both exchanged looks, before looking back at the window one more time.

They failed again.


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