'this shit is a bad idea'

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Y'all's there's only a few stories so I decided to take this damn chance, also this is my first story it will be a lil cheesy but no cheesier than other y/n stories 💀

Third POV

You were sitting alone on the slide drawing random things on your sketchbook distancing yourself from your classmates who's also waiting for the bus with you.

Your classmates were just doing there own thing minding there own business not giving a single glance at you, but you were fine with that,

At first anyone would think your just a random shy quiet kid that's good at art but only if they knew-

'they don't deserve to breathe the same air as me. I don't deserve this treatment.'

You scoffed looking at the group of cheerleaders pushing each other around and giggling looking at the football team,

'...can't control themselves'

This is exactly why you distanced yourself from your classmates, you and your 15 classmates are going in a feild trip to...

'..what is it called again...oh yeah'
'odd world'

You found the name pretty interesting which is the only reason why your here instead of coming up with another good excuses like you would always do everytime there's a field trip since you hate socializing.

It took you a couple seconds to realized everyone was going inside the bus making you sigh in annoyance, making your way towards the bus and going to the back seats since there's no one there.

Reaching out for your simple white backpack with a few petals you painted on it. Opening the zipper and checking if you got all of your stuff,

Because of your bad memory you forgot to check it earlier...

Inside the bag was, a charger, 3 powerbanks, your phone which is on 100 percent, and 15 chocolate bars tied with a black ribbon so they won't go all over the place...a few pencils, your color pencils or whatever you call them, your purse, a children's book since its actually entertaining to you, a few masks (yes your wearing a mask even if it's the only thing that made you insecure,) 2 water bottles, your earplugs, and a knife.

Your only bringing a knife because this is your first feild trip and you don't know what will happen to you, even tho you can protect yourself.

Bringing out your earplugs, you decided to listen to a few musics....maybe a few remixes on TikTok.

Your vision started to get a little blurry and before you know it. You feel asleep.....

A few hours later, you woke up from a girl who's the cheerleading captain yelling with her phone on her hand..

'seems like she's recording..'

You obviously tired even if you slept for a few hours tries to go back to sleep and continue your dream on finding who asked.


you glared at her which no one noticed.
all of you guys were asleep until this wannabe Chloe Kardashian woke half of the class,

'pls stfu'

You groaned as she kept rambling about how she's bored and all, you grabbed your backpack and used it as your pillow looking outside the window, since you can't fall asleep with this THING talking.

You raised an eyebrow at something on the cliff (was it even a cliff) that seems to be a warning or smth...

Obviously not caring you tried going back to sleep again since your head hurts from all of these (so called) hallucinations you have, you knew damn well this was a bad idea.

A few seconds later you realized the wannabe finally stfu,

'i change my mind this is calming'

You were about to loose consciousness when you heard the bus screech and your classmates scream,

'why do I have to die with these animals'

You weren't even scared just disappointed.

Before your about to process everything the bus crashed right into a corner, half of the people jumped off the windows while the other ducked and covered there head with there hands,

'this ain't no earthquake what...'

You felt your head hit something very hard and your starting to loose consciousness...

"this a bad idea after all"

That's all you said before fainting,


??? POV

I watched as they crash straight into a corner and some of them even jumped off the windows...

'bad idea'

I scoffed as they slammed onto the ground some of them groaning in pain, while half of them fainted with bad injuries,

no one was conscious, which makes the job easier.

I dragged all of them one by one by the foot, it only took 10 minutes since there's only 14 of them...wait..14?

He looked around and noticed a girl with h/l and h/c hair snuggling her backpack as if she doesn't care about anything around her,

I noticed her hair was in a mess but it somehow still looks good on her...it's just a compliment. That's it.

I was about to drag her by the feet til I heard her groan and move around til she's on a comfortable spot.

Not wanting to disturb her sleep I picked her up in my arms,

she got less injuries than the other,
Because everyone who I dragged on there feet got broken ribs and more injuries on around there body, while the girl only has a bruised arm and cheek,

I glanced at her backpack

"that backpack must be really comfortable."


Laying her down in one of the bunk beds,
The comfiest one actually.

The girl finally stopped squirming around and calm down hugging her backpack as if it's the most valuable thing in her life.

Noticing her bangs was covering most of her face I decided to swipe her bags from her face,

...she's pretty without the mask honestly, just another compliment, nothing else...

Also did I mention I replaced her pillows with comfortable ones? No? Okay.

Is this what humans call favoritism..?

I wondered while walking out of the room,
Asking myself why I did that.


This already looks hella goofy for my first story 💀 i guess I'll be continuing this because I've already reached the point I can't go back lmao

Here's how I view y/n lmao

This already looks hella goofy for my first story 💀 i guess I'll be continuing this because I've already reached the point I can't go back lmaoHere's how I view y/n lmao

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