Soft Yandere Red x Creation Reader (fluff)

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Third POV

From what you remember your another creation created by red but more different than the others, instead you look more human,

to trick the people there into thinking your on there side but in reality your just feeding them wrong informations about the monsters roaming around, and secretly taking blood samples from them because red ordered you to.

Your basically reds assistant, and the mother figure to orange, and your also the ones keeping them in check, if they have a problem it can become your problem.

Your thoughts got cut off by one of the people who got kidnapped by red,

"Here, take this"

You were offended by the fact he cut you off but your not in the mood for human meat.

He handed you a box, you looked at it confused, since your still getting used to these types of stuff...he must've had noticed your confused expression so he explained,

"Hide in this box whenever blue is close, it can help you camouflage yourself.."

He explained placing your hand to the box,
You just simple smiled at him since you don't know how to show your emotions yet,

He became bright pink which made you concerned, but ignored it anyways, your job is to take blood samples not study there expressions.

Little do you know someone was watching through the CCTV camera and saw everything, tightening his grip to the pen in his hand it snapped in two.


You and a few group of girls was exploring the place while you just followed them like a lost puppy.

'i must've had done something wrong it be with them, is this what red calls disgust?,'

The group stopped once they heard squeaking and quickly put on the boxes, including you ofc...

'move. I'm not that patient.'

You saw green getting closer and the group was hesitant to go pass green since they know nothing about him,

You being a good 'friend' gave them an info about green... A wrong info.. for forcing you to come with them, yes your very offended because of that,

"You can go pass him freely..don't worry he's just like blue but blind."

You smiled at them softly, making you more convincing.

The group didn't question you since they know you go out alot at night and thought you might know things about them,

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The group didn't question you since they know you go out alot at night and thought you might know things about them,

Two boxes moves forward and was about to go pass him til green grabbed the other box with his hand while the other one grabbed the other girls legs,

The others watched in horror as green slammed the other girl to the ground earning a loud scream of pain and agony,

While the other arm green swung the girl around hitting her in some walls and also hitting some of the girls with you,

Your not worried about that, the only thing that concerns you is that everytime someone gets closer to you they disappear..

It seems like green knew you were there so he was careful to not hit you, the other girls took of there boxes and ran away you following behind but a girl was too slow and got caught by green screaming for help,

"HELP M-!"

green bit half of her body making her shut up, and die,

You felt bad for them to be unlucky enough to not get favored,

The girls was on the verge of tears, you found it amusing that water was coming out of there eyes but ignored it.

You and the group hid in the storage room the girls was traumatized some even started crying so hard some of the girls had to cover there mouths to not alarm the nearby monsters,

One girl grabbed your wrist which didn't really effect you, she glared at you with angry tears streaming down her cheeks,

" did that on p-purpose didn't Y-YOU!"

She yelled the girls didn't butt in knowing it's kinda your fault three people died, and some of them even have broken ribs and injuries, you being the favorite you didn't have any injuries,broken bones, or any dirt on you at all...

Red was watching the whole thing glaring daggers at the girl who yelled at you,

"..I didn't know that would happen,"

You answered looking away with an innocent face that convinced most of the girls you didn't do it on purpose..

You answered looking away with an innocent face that convinced most of the girls you didn't do it on purpose

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'pro manipulating skills'

The girl looked at you in disbelief and anger

"YES YOU DID...! God I wanna kill myself.."
The girl said clearly stressed,

"Do it,"
You said with a smile,

The girl glared at you.
You were confused..

"What? I'm being supportive, so ungrateful."
You snapped,

She was about to lunge at you until she got shot on the head, the girls screamed as a man in a coat walked in shooting the others as well,

You just waved at him and gave him the blood samples, he sighed picking you up in his shoulders as if your just a bag of feathers,

You were confused but didn't question it...
Since you know how sensitive this man can be if you talk back to him,,


Your sitting at the counter getting scolded on how you should be careful with your words and action...

"It's not my fault you weren't careful while you created me, blame yourself for that."
  "Bobbleheaded hoe."
You cut him off not realizing how those words can hurt anyone's feelings, but red didn't show it even tho you already knew how much a softie this man can be,

He ignored what you said and just hugged you, burying his head to your neck, to hide the fact that he actually got hurt by what you said 💀 you just patted his head while rubbing circles to his back, which is your way of comforting him since this happens often. Soft ass.

You had to stay with him for the rest of the night which is the only way to make it up to him,

I mean no one could blame you, your still learning.

Also did I mention red purposely does mistakes to try and distract you from being close with the people he kidnapped.

You even have to apologize to others if he ever yelled at them,

'what a man-child..'


I wanna write smut.
But anyways y'all's request me more stuff,

'I just wanna live peacefully tf' rainbow friends x reader.Where stories live. Discover now