red x calm reader (🍋) part 1 ig 🤡

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Third POV

You're sitting on one of the counters on reds lab, while red is mixing a few potions,

'its gonna blow up.'

You covered your ears once you saw the potion glowing, red didn't had time to cover himself, you sighed looking at red who's now coughing because of the smoke,

Walking up to one of the drawers, you took out a tissue and walked up to red, you grabbed his chin and cleaned the dust on his face,

He blushed but you didn't notice it.

He burried his face to your neck, slightly whimpering,


He muttered still whimpering,
You froze for a few seconds,

Grabbing both of his wrists you pinned him down to the floor, he flinched as you nibbled on his neck,

Red groaned and whimpered slightly blushing..

Tilting his head so you could get more access.


You raised your head up looking at him straight in the eyes which made him more flustered and embarrassed of the fact a girl is topping him...

lifting his chin up and kissed him.
Red was blushing furiously,

Nibbling his lips you took the chance once he slightly opened his mouth.

You explored his mouth with your tongue,

After a few minutes you pulled out your tongue, breathing heavily,

While catching your breathe, red took the chance and switched your positions,

You were surprised because you weren't expecting that...

He kissed your neck, slightly biting it,

Grabbing your legs and putting it on his shoulders, still blushing furiously.

You smiled at him and grabbed his face with both of your hands,

"... your doing good for your first time.."

Smiling softly at him, he blushed more but you didn't notice it since he's already red,

He ripped your clothes and attacked your body.

You groaned,
Looking at the ceiling while covering your mouth.. obviously your pride is not gonna allow you to moan since your still convinced your superior.

He took off his coat while still attacking your body.

Patting his head you keep continuing to praise him and give him compliments,
Which made him more flustered...

You grabbed his chin and kissed him,
He leaned in more,
Wrapping your hands around reds neck,
You pulled out and continued whispering praises to him..

He blushed and attacked your neck once again,


Y'all's this is my first time writing smut so don't judge 🤨 and it took alot of energy to write this 💀

Idk but Im gonna write a part 2 since this is too much for me to handle 😔

Anyways more requests? 🤡

Anyways more requests? 🤡

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