red x sad child reader

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Third POV

You've been crying on the same corner for 40 minutes, using your sleeves to wipe your tears away but it still kept flowing down your cheeks,

You took out your can of sleeping pills taking a handful of pills to try and distract you from your classmates scream of agony.

'they deserved that but please stfu I'm having a moment.'

You thought trying to swallow the pills in your mouth without water, you even tried slapping yourself to try and at least wake you up from this "dream",

??? POV

I watched the child try and swallow the pills.
I have been watching for 34 minutes, Im a bit concerned since I don't think it's safe for a child to swallow that much pills.

And it seems like she's starting to fall asleep.

Third POV

You felt your eyelids getting heavier as you yawned gripping your box, you pulled your knees up to your chest trying to be comfortable.

'...I hope I die in my sleep. I'd rather die like that than getting eaten by a sour patch kid mascot.'

Leaning on the wall for support you slowly started to fall asleep, with your hopes of dying in your sleep,

Hearing footsteps coming closer you were to sleepy to care, it's not like your gonna give a single shit.

You felt yourself getting picked up by two fuzzy arms, you relaxed as you leaned your head to it's shoulders,

The other arm then patted your head softly to not annoy you,

The figure slowly walked away from the room and head towards a secret way to his lab.


??? POV

Twisting the doorknob,
I opened the door and looked around my lab to try and find a comfortable to spot for the kid to sleep on,

After a few seconds of looking around I sighed noticing there's nothing but potions and machines and wires.

I walked up to my table where my papers are scattered around, I sat down and began reading some of it.

Feeling a little bit ticklish I glanced down to the girl snuggling closer to my chest, I pulled up my hand and caressed her head,

She wrapped her hands around my arms and then I noticed she was half awake,

The kid looked up at me with those e/c eyes and then smiled at what a child would smile at there parents,

Third POV

"I'm y/n! What's yours mister?"

You weren't scared, you feel really safe around this strangers arms...

It was silent for a few seconds til he finally spoke,

" me red..y/n."

You smiled at your new friend,



I ran around my lab for a few hours not looking for that child, this child is really REALLY curious,

Y/n has been poking around my stuff and even almost touching a liquid that's very toxic.


I yelled, and suddenly I heard a giggle near one of the chests I have,

I immediately went towards it and found y/n looking at me trying not to laugh, I sighed picking her up by her torso,

I grabbed a random crayon and a paper that's not important to me.

"..what's that?"

Y/n said looking at the paper and crayon on my hands, I made her sat onto a counter with no potions or papers she could get her hands on.

I gave her the crayon and paper,
Caressing her head I told her to try and entertain Herself by drawing while I'm gonna do work.


Third POV

Red then sat on his chair near y/n who's still confused on what to draw...

After a few minutes of thinking you finally got an idea,

You gripped onto the crayon and started scribbling on the paper...


You looked at the art piece you made, really proud of it, you looked at red who's still working,

"psst! Red!"

You whispered which caught his attention,

Red got up and picked you up, a little confused on why you called him,

Grinning ear to ear you showed him the drawing as if it's your biggest achievement...

Red was really surprised but was also touched

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Red was really surprised but was also touched. He took the drawing from your hands and pinned it on a board with a test saying.

'important things.'


Your now sitting on reds lap eating ice cream while he's doing your hair, like a child and father bonding..

You gave red your ice cream, wanting to share it with him since he's now your father figure,

He opened his mouth revealing his razor sharp teeth and ate almost all of it, but you didn't care at all,your even planning on staying here...


I finally got my phone back y'alls 🤭🤭


'I just wanna live peacefully tf' rainbow friends x reader.Where stories live. Discover now