Chapter 1

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S6 E5 „Won't you be our neighbour"

Heather LaFontaines family was trashy. And she was well aware of that. Don't get her wrong. She loved her parents and her older brother to pieces. Sometimes she could even stand her older sister. But she knew that their family was not exactly picture perfect and that quite a lot of people looked down on them for that.

Until now her family had never had much money and she had grown up in a trailer park, where she had been forced to share a pretty small room with her older sister, who she often fought with, and her parents didn't have their own bedroom in the first place. Her parents were sexually pretty open and although she thought it cute that they were still so much into each other after 20 years of marriage and three kids that particular trait had deeply embarrassed her and her siblings more than once. They also encouraged their children to „explore" their sexuality; but „safely, of course!". That's why one of her moms presents for her last birthday had been a box of condoms. She had given it to her discreetly, but Heather could still remember the deep blush she had sported for quite a while after that. The girl was not a prude and she did have a couple boyfriends before. But she was only 15, for gods sake, and had yet to go beyond hand holding and chaste, little kisses. Though she knew she was quite the outlier in her family for that.

Her older brother, Ronnie Jr, who she adored, was currently not interested in long term relationships and more into using the bit of fame he and his friends had accumulated thanks to their band to get with as many girls as he could. And her older sister Tammy was known as the school tramp, who even openly flirted with teachers (married or not) to get things she wanted or needed. She also currently had a much older boyfriend and it actually worried Heather quite a bit that their parents didn't do anything against it. Though maybe it was because things had suddenly changed for them. Her parents (or her dad, to be exact) were owning a successful business. And... they were now rich.

When California had passed a bill that allowed the medical use for marihuana Ronnie Sr. had decided to quit his factory job and risk everything to open up his own medical marihuana dispensary. He and her mother, Amber, had been secretly tending to they own „garden" for years, so they certainly had the knowledge needed for it. Her parents had worked their butts off for months, loosing countless nights of sleep. Because, if this failed, their family would be financially ruined and they were terrified to make their childrens already-not-that-easy lives even harder. But they were lucky; the business took off practically over night and now Ronnie LaFontaine was the owner of a whole franchise and their family, for the first time ever, had so much more money than they really knew what to do with. Ronnie had already used some of the money to shower his family with gifts; buying his son the motorbike he had always wanted (and some for himself) and taking his wife and daughters on lavish shopping sprees. He felt good to finally be able to give his children the things he himself had always wanted as a kid, but had never been able to afford. But now he felt his family also needed a house that displayed their new found status. That's why the family currently sat in his car on their way to an open house in a neighbourhood much nicer to the one they were still living in.



Heather sighed, her head already hurting. As always, her dad had put on his rock music WAY too loud for everyone to hear. And he was driving like a jackass again. „Careful, babe!" Amber still managed to warn her husband, but it was too late. He had already hit the curbstone before finally coming to a halt. Heather groaned, bumping into both of her siblings who she sat between. „Watch it, stupid!" Her sister hissed, though her brother immediately asked if she was okay. Heather smiled slightly. That was EXACTLY why she preferred her brother over her sister. Ronnie Jr. then stuck his head out of the window while their parents got out. „I don't wanna see a stupid house!" He griped, making her look out as well. They were parked before a beautiful Spanish style house... And it had an „for sale" sign on the lawn. „I thought we were going to eat lunch." Junior continued, to what Senior answered „hey, how about you shut up and not embarrass us?" The girls got out of the car, Tammy coming up from behind. „How about you both shut up?" She snarked. „I'm sick of listening to you." Their mom walked over to her, a finger raised in warning. „Hey, don't talk to your dad like that; or you can go live with your boyfriend." Tammy rolled her eyes. „He is not my boyfriend. I just make out with him so that I don't have to take his class again."

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