Chapter 3 part 1

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This chapter got kinda long as it covers almost the whole episode, so I have decided to split it into two. Also, I do try to edit my writing before publishing, but I have to admit I often accidentally overlook some mistakes and only notice them after putting it out. I do try to correct it when I find them afterwards but I do apologise. English is not my first language :S


S6 E8 „Three Turkeys"

Weeks had gone by and it was already Thanksgiving. And this year it was a special one: Heather was spending it with the Dunphys. Her parents had decided to forego the family feast this year and do a romantic trip instead. They, of course, had offered to take their children with them, but they all had said no for good reason. So Ronnie was doing a little band tour with his friends instead and Tammy was planning to spend the day, and probably the night, with her current boyfriend. Heather had planned to just stay at home, watch some movies, order a pizza and maybe treat herself to a bubble bath in their new huge bathtub with a face mask and a manicure afterwards. Though when Luke and Manny (who she knew and was friends with by now as well) had heard about that they had insisted that she come over to eat with them. Phil (who was cooking this year) had nothing against it, though Claire had been apprehensive at first. Though after relentless begging from Luke she conceded. Heather seemed to be the most rational and normal one of her family and it was just to eat, after all. She wouldn't spend the night or anything... Or so she had thought, because the girl was currently sitting in her kitchen, hours before the feast was supposed to start.

„How's it going in here?" She asked, entering the room. „Great!" Phil answered, sprinkling some herbs over the turkey. „You just take advantage of your first Thanksgiving not sweating over a hot stove and having to sit down to dinner all gross and grumpy and exhausted." Luke nodded with a smile. „Yeah, this year you can finally be in a good mood." Claire frowned, putting her hands on her hips. „Oh, I was until this little riff." Her eyes wandered over to the girl sitting next to her son. „And to make it clear: I love cooking for my family." Heather put up her hands. „Hey, I don't judge Mrs Dunphy. My mom actually hates cooking for Thanksgiving as well, so it's usually my dad making it." The woman cocked a brow. „Ronnie can cook?" The girl made a movement with her hand, squinting her eyes a little. „Uhh. It's less cooking and more him just throwing the turkey into a deep fryer in our backyard... on a totally unrelated note we had our previous local fire department over for Thanksgiving more than once." Claire made a horrified face and she nodded sagely. „Yeah, I guess we're kinda lucky they decided to go on a trip this year instead."

„Why didn't you and your siblings go with them?" Luke now asked the question that had bothered him for quite a while now. Don't get him wrong, he was thrilled to have her here. But if his parents had offered to take him and his sisters on a fancy all-inclusive trip they would have certainly said yes. Heather threw him a glance. „Because ‚going on a trip' for my parents basically means a marathon of loud sex and that is a trauma I don't need..." Her eyes moved to the side. „Again. On our last trip me and my siblings barely got to sleep from all the noise and were more exhausted after than we were before." All three Dunphys made a disgusted face and Claire muttered „Wow. Too much information." Apparently even the LaFontaine kids were pretty open in the sex department.

Haley and Manny entered with him carrying a laptop. „Mom and Jay sent a Thanksgiving greeting from Mexico." Luke frowned. „I didn't even know Mexico had Thanksgiving." Haley gave him a surprised look. „I know! I said the same thing!" Heather sent the siblings an amused look. „I still don't get why you passed up a free trip." Luke then asked Manny and the Latino sighed. „Because they're meeting 23 Colombians, who call my mom ‚La Tranquila'... the quiet one." Everyone made faces of understanding. Manny moved his finger to push the play button, before stopping and looking over to the pretty girl sitting next to Luke - from which position she wouldn't be able to watch the message. „Heather! Come over, so that you can watch as well." He suggested, making Luke frown and Heather put up her hands again. „No, it's okay. I don't know them anyway and I don't want to intrude." Manny shook his head. „No way would you be intruding. I wanted to introduce you anyway. I mean, it's not exactly the same, but you at least get a good first impression." Heather thought for a moment, before getting up and moving between Manny and Haley. Luke send the other boy a dark glare, who didn't notice and pushed the play button.

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