Chapter 2

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Hope felt as if she were drowning.

It was 2:53am when she half fell out her bed. Both sides of her pillow sodden from tears.

She had to admit it to herself: She was jealous.

Jealous of Penelope.

Jealous of their relationship.

Hope wanted Josie all to herself.

She couldn't sleep, and after coming up with nothing rational to do about it she grabbed her towel and robe before heading to the showers downstairs. She didn't have the luxury of her own shower.

She didn't see a single soul in the halls — it being 2am and all.

The hot shower was soothing. Hope leant onto the wall and slid down to the floor.


Josie couldn't sleep either.

Hope was in her head.

She hated being away from Hope almost as much as Hope hated being away from her.

But Hope wasn't Josie's only source of comfort anymore. Being friends with Hope had given her confidence, she didn't live under Lizzie's shadow anymore; instead she created her own.

And she had trapped Hope in it. When they were together Josie was the centre of attention. The one they all started at in the corridors. The girl brave enough to be friends with a Mikaelson.

It was what drew Penelope Park back in. Josie's newfound confidence; her being stuck in her sister's shadow is why they broke up in the first place.

Josie's worry for Hope claimed half of her thoughts her love for Penelope had claimed the other.

Sometime then, Josie's cluttered thoughts were too consuming, the pressure on her chest too unbearable.

She glanced at the clock: 5:16am.

The urge to go check on her friend was too strong, she snuck out of her room — careful not to wake lizzie — down the corridor to the object of her desire.


The door to the shower room opened. Who else would come down here at 2am? She looked down at her hands, they were wrinkled.

The door opened again. What Hope thought was minutes must have been hours. She turned the shower off instantly and dried off, noticing for the first time: the light bouncing off the mirror on the far side of the room. Daylight.

She tied her robe and sprinted up the stairs two at a time, her soft red hair flowing behind her.

"Josie?" The brunette was outside her bedroom, looking as if she were debating wether or not to knock.

"Hope," she began "I was worried about you."

Straight to the questions: "Are you dating Penelope Park again?"


The world stopped.

Jealousy SucksWhere stories live. Discover now