Chapter 5

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Shelby's POV

I hate this
Being here
Having Toni here
The boys group is..... Strange?.. bad?

I don't know

I just hope I made the right choice.

I need to get out of my own head. I need to find Seth's room. What's the paper say"Room 084 6 bricks to the left press the brick and it will open".. Jesus Christ are you kidding?!

How much harder could Grechen make this?!  This better not be a trap. I'm already losing my shit here..

Shelby finds the door after.. a long time of looking

Fucking Christ alright where is this brick? One..two..three..four..five..SIX alright so I just press the brick? Ook? *Click*

The wall slides back and slowly to the left. And seth slowly appears sitting back in his chair

Shelby: Seth?

Seth: mmm Sheellllbyyy?

Shelby: yea, Grechen said you had something for me. You got whatever it is?

Seth: yea yea on my desk there

Shelby: a card?

Seth: key card. Here are the instructions of what to do with it

Shelby: k thanks?. So do I just press the brick. To close the door?

Seth: mmmhm

Shelby: k bye

Shelby presses the button and watches the door slowly slide to the right and back into place

Oook that was... Something
Ok so- Shelby's thoughts are cut off by the yelling of her name

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