Chapter One: The x Sneaky x Tree

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A/N: Hey there!! So... this is actually my first fanfic ever- yes, I have attempted to make a lot in the past, but they never turned out good in the end, and they always started to get boring towards the middle (because of my uncreative self) so um.. yeah! Also, back then, I didn't even know what Hunter x Hunter was— I always kept writing Tsukkiyama/Tsukishima x Yamaguchi stuff bc.. well they're practically made for each other lmao- but now I absolutely love Killua x Gon.. they're so aDorAbLe tOGEthEr aAAHDHJDKH- Sorry I.. had a moment- anyways, I hope you enjoy this fanfic! My writing skills aren't the best, so lmk if it starts to get boring, and lend me some ideas to make it more interesting! :D btw, just to inform you all, Gon and Killua are 17 in this fic! Another thing to add is that this is NOT a smut fic, but there will be more mature content (cursing, mAkE oUt scEnEs mAybE, etc). Another thing is that some of the characters in this fic might be a bit out-of-character, but not completely! I'll try to make them as in-character as possible at times! One last thing... the sentences that are written in this font (this font) means that it is the persons thoughts, or basically just the thoughts of the one that's in their POV. Anyways, enjoy this first chapter!

— Gon's POV —

I zoomed down the small street on my bicycle quickly as I waved at everyone walking along it, and they all naturally waved back happily. Everyone on the island was nice to me, especially since I'm the only one that's my age there. I had bunches of deliveries to make to different customer's. They were all set down in the basket of my bicycle. Bread, fruits, vegetables, pastries—you name it, I had it in a neat bag in my basket. I've always loved how everyone on the island was drawn to my Aunt Mito's works—I mean, she does make amazing stuff! I finally made it in the yard of one of my regular customer's, who in which was an elderly lady, and she was watering her beautiful flowers when I arrived. I parked my bicycle swiftly and yanked a bag from the basket that contained two loaves of bread, freshly baked and buttered by my Aunt Mito.

"Good afternoon, ma'am!" I hollered at her cheerfully, unlocking her front-yard gate. She looked up from her flowers and smiled warmly at me. "Good afternoon, Mr. Freecss!" she said back. I smiled as I shut her gate back and strolled over to her. I handed the bag that contained the loaves over to her gently, afraid that if I thrust it into her arms that she'd shatter from her frail build, and she cradled the bag into her arms gingerly.

"You never disappoint, young man," she said kindly, which made my smile widen even more. "You have your father's charisma." I blushed slightly as I bowed in front of her. "Thank you very much!"

I stood back up and she only kept smiling. "Tsk... it's such a shame that he had to leave you," she said quietly, a look of sympathy strewn across her face. I shared the same look with her and said, "I agree, but I'm sure he had his reasons, ma'am." Her smile only widened. "Such a gentleman," she murmured as she set down the bag with the loaves of bread on her porch stairs, raising her arms to pat my shoulders encouragingly. "You best be off—I see that you are busy, as always," she said, resting her hands on my shoulders. I nodded, grinning. I rushed off back to my bicycle after locking her gate once more, waving as I mounted it. "Have an amazing, wonderful day!!!" I yelled as I always did when I rode off, and I only received waving from her in response.

Maybe after this, I can go visit the forest again, I thought happily.

I made it to the rest of the other houses and small shops that requested stuff from me and my Aunt Mito, and they had made small talk with me like usual. Before I knew it, I was finished with my work. I rode my bike back home at a steady, more slow pace than usual. I wanted to enjoy the nice breeze that swept through me every now and then, as it was a very sunny day.

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