Aldera's downfall

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AN - I don't own Naruto or My Hero Academia or any of the photos in this chapter

《Chapter 2》

~ 5 Years Later ~

After 5 years of hellish training from his 3 sensei's and he became a force to be wreaked with. His 3 sensei's made sure to beat their teaching into izuku especially on how you should not on any circumstances underestimating an opponent.

During the first few weeks of training Izuku's mother Inko was getting worried since she saw that Izuku was coming back home more dirty and brused. So Izuku had to explain what happened to him and how he awaken a long forgotten power.

This of course made inko cry and squeeze the life out of Izuku in joy because now she doesn't have to worrie as much knowing he can handle himself. Oh let's not forget the mad bomber of Aldera middle school Katsumi Bakugou. Ever since Izuku stopped her from attacking the kid she started to single him out.

Apparently Katsumi did not take his words well. She started to target me specifically now. No matter what Izuku said or do she will bully him constantly and the teachers do nothing, not wanting their prized student to get into trouble. So Izuku told his mother when he gave up trying to convince her to stop. Inko was at first mad at Katsumi  because she finally figured out why Izuku got so many bruises and that one write up for fighting when it was actually in defense.

Inko was about to call Mitsuki in her motherly rage but luckily Izuku stopped her and calmed her down before she did something she would regret. So when Inko calmed down she called mitsuki and told her what Katsumi has been doing to Izuku for 5 years. This pissed of Mitsuki, she thanked inko for informing her and told her that she will get to the bottom of what her daughter was thinking and fine a fitting punishment for her.

"Izuku honey tell me have all the teachers been abusing you either physically, psychological, or even sabotage your class work" Inko asked after talking to Mitsuki.

Izuku thought for a minute "now that you mention it my grade have always been a c or b at most even though I know I got at least 18 out of 20 correct if not 20/20." Izuku said humming.

Hearing this made inko's blood boil and was about to call Aldera but Izuku stopped her. "Calm down mom it's no big deal." Izuku said calmly

"No big deal?! Izuku if their doing this to you you shouldn't put up with them!" Inko shouted in a motherly rage. Since she wasn't calming izuku broke his stoic mask to give his mom a gentle smile.

"Mom it's okay really I don't really care about how they treat me." Izuku stated this made inko calm down and think finding a way to ruin the school without Izuku trying to stop her then it came to her.

"But Izu-baby even if your fine with it what about the other kids that are given the same treatment. Shouldn't they be helped as well." Inko said calmly with a smile.

Izuku thought for a moment contemplating if what his mom said had any weight to it. Then he mentally facepalmed if his sensei's found out that even subconsciously he thought that aldera was singling me out and not also targeting people with weaker quirks

"Your right." Izuku said slumping

Inko mentally fist pumped and smiled gently "I'm glad you see it how I do Izu-baby" Inko said as she was about to call Aldera to give them a piece of her mind but Izuku stopped her.

"Mom I have a better Idea. A news article I read years ago stated that the principal of UA Nezu shut down a school when he found out that one of his students had their school records falsified by making her look bad so she wouldn't have a chance to enroll in UA even if she got good grades." Izuku explained making Inko get a twinkle in her eye.

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