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K'yonii Marie Taylor

1.5 months later

"I have a question." Messiah said walking in the room. He looked high as a kite.

I miss smoking. Fuck these kids.

"What's your question?" I asked him closing my book

"If you're going 80 miles per hour does that mean every hour you're going 80 miles?" he asked

"Mes- yes." I sighed "How if you're already going 80 miles?" he looked at me like I was dumb.

"Because if you are going 80 miles per hour, within the next hour you would have traveled 80 miles." I explained

He sat down with comfusion written all over his face. "If 2 + 2 is 4 how the fuck are you getting 7?" he squinted at me.

"Okay. When you're sober ask me again." I said "But I want to know now." he mumbled falling back onto the bed.

"If you can get pregnant would you?" I asked him and he nodded yes but said "Absolutely not." and I bussed out laughing.

"Why not?"

"Cause you be eatin' weird shit all the time and I'm not movin' like that. If being pregnant make you eat pickles and hot cheetos with kool aid then I'll pass."

"You subbin'? Cause let's not talk about all the weird shit you do."

"Yea lets not do that" he mumbled "Yea cause let's not. Slow ass." I muttered

"No you slow." he said yanking my braids "Owww." I laughed and reached to pull his hair then I yanked it

"Muthafu-" he cut himself off then looked at me like I was crazy. "I'm finna beat yo ass." he mumbled getting up and I got off the bed on the other side

"Hear me out." I said holding my hand out and he came from the other side and I jumped on the bed and crawled off running out of the room

"I'm not gone chase yo little ass." I heard him say as I ran in Milani's room making her look at me.

"Lani put your shoes on." I said and she got up "We finna go leave?" she asked looking in her dresser for socks.

"We finna go fight." I said and she nodded getting out some any socks and then slipped on her shoes.

"Who we finna fight?" she asked leaving the room. "This girl tryna fight me and I was like okay it's never nothing then she was like yep and I'ma have my daughter come jump you too so I'm like hell nah I'ma have my daughter beat yo daughter ass." I lied

"I'm finna whoop this lil girl feet on my mama." she said and slid down the stairs and I jogged down behind trying to hold in my laugh

"She kinda big so don't be putting nothing on me." I said "She like Dj big?"

"No she's like tall and a little bit bigger than you." I said and she shrugged "Oh well she ain't finna jump my mama." she said walking to the door

"Wait, before you open the door..." I trailed off "What?"

"Ain't nobody out there finna fight us." I said and she stale faced me "You're lame." she mumbled making me laugh

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