ᴍᴇꜱꜱʏ ᴅᴇʙᴜᴛ ᴅᴀʏ ᴘᴛ.2

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debut jitters

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 Hyun-Seok's leg bounced in anticipation of their leader's return. Henry claimed he was "going to the bathroom" almost fifteen minutes ago and the teen desperately needed him to return. With all the craziness going on in their dressing room Hyun-Seok could feel his nerves catching up to him.

"Buzz-hyung?" He questions pulling at the manager's arm but Buzz quickly swats it away as he continues discussing the schedule for the day with Jessie.

"Hyung!" Hyun-Seok whines, needing the manager's attention.

"Hang on Seokie," he mutters, diving right back into the conversation. Hyun-Seok retracts his hand, balling it into a fist down by his side. As he looked around the room he saw everyone engaged in their own conversations or attending to one of the members' wardrobes or hair.

"I-I'm going to look for Henry" he announces although the words fall upon deaf ears as the bustle and energy in the room was too intense for the adults to pay attention to the anxious teen. Hyun-Seok doesn't bother to repeat himself as he flees the room to go in search of the leader.

Once he was outside the room it was like a weight had been lifted off his chest and he could actually breathe, finally free from all the noise. However, his anxiety had yet to let him relax as he realized he had no idea where to go. This being his first time in the mnet building Hyun-Seok had no clue what was where and where he would even search for the leader. Hell, he'd almost gotten lost following Buzz to their dressing room!

"Guess I'll just have to wing it," he mutters to himself as he begins walking the halls. As he walked around, peaking his head down every hallway Hyun-Seok had every intent on finding Henry, but a ring from his cellphone (that he definitely shouldn't have had) drew all his attention. Pulling the device from his back pocket Hyun-Seok pales at the contact name.


The anxiety of his mom calling plus the anxiety he was already feeling caused his heart to beat in double time and the poor boy felt close to passing out. With an Angel and Devil on his shoulders, he debated answering or not. The ringtone was reaching its end and Hyun-Seok quickly made his choice, thumb pressing down on the bright green button before holding the device up to his ear.

"Seokie?" a young squeaky voice calls out in surprise. Hyun-Seok felt everything quiet literally melt away as he heard his sister's voice ring in his ears.

"Seokie you there?" she questions and Hyun-Seok begins nodding his head.

"Hi, sweetheart! Seokie is here," he says, voice wavering a bit. He can hear Soon-bok giggle with joy hearing his voice.

"Seokie, Seokie! Youngsoo says you get to be on t.v.! Is that true?" she questions excitedly.

"Sure is! Your brothers gonna be on t.v. isn't that cool?"

"Yeah! So excited! But Youngsoo says we have to do it in secret. Why does it have to be a secret Oppa?" the girl questions innocently and Hyun-Seok feels his heart sink. He knew why, because his parents didn't want his bad influence and disobedience to affect his siblings. They didn't want their kids to be able to live for themselves and have dreams but instead live the life they planned for them. It was the reason he'd been kicked out and told to never come back when he became a trainee, and the reason he hardly got to see or speak to his siblings. Of course, Hyun-Seok couldn't tell his six year old sister this, it would break her heart that they weren't allowed to see each other.

𝘉𝘌𝘠𝘖𝘕𝘋 𝘐𝘕𝘍𝘐𝘕𝘐𝘛𝘠 | 𝘰𝘤 𝘣𝘰𝘺 𝘨𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘱Where stories live. Discover now