First and last (Ending)

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Third Person POV

"Chay, I love you."

Those were the words that came out from Kim's mouth as he broke the hug and wiped his own tears.

The younger was astonished with the elder's words that his body started to feel numb.

His tears were dried out, so as his throat.

Chay didn't know what to say with all the 'sorry' that he heard from Kim's mouth. He was shocked but at the same time he was relieved.

And this was the first time Kim confessed that he loved him. There was nothing more he could hope for than Kim saying that he loves him—The man of his dreams finally saying that he loves him.

"P'Wik" he muttered

Kim looked at the latter with longing eyes.

"Your name is Kim but you said that Wik is another part—special part of you"

Silence started to form around them as Kim waited for Chay to continue his words.

"Can I ask who among P'Kim and P'Wik said that he loves me?" Chay finished his sentence as he looked at his senior with unreadable eyes.

"Chay..." The elder called out the younger's name softly. He closed his eyes as he tries to acknowledge what Porchay was saying to him.

"P'Wik is that you?" Chay muttered softly.

Kim realized what he meant. And at that moment he wanted to cry out loud.

He was late—too late.

Chay already hated him. He hated Kim.

And now he's determined about it, he turned his back at Porchay as tears started streaming out his face again.

He bit his lips to calm himself down.

He was about to walk away when a pair of  hands were laid to his waist.

"I hate you so much! You hurt me more than you could ever imagine but I can't bring myself to despise you. Please don't leave like this P'Wik" Chay pleaded like a child who doesn't want to get away from his mother.

He hugged the older tightly. He's scared that if he let go, it will be real this time. He will lose him.

"Kim"  Kim said as he took off Chay's hands in him.

"Call me Kim" The older said as the younger shook his head stubbornly.

"I don't know anyone who is named like that, I only want P'Wik. P'Wik is the one who loves me" Chay insisted as he sobbed.

Kim cupped Chay's face as he cut off the distance between them.

"Can I kiss you?" The older asked for permission.

"On the lips" He added

The younger closed his eyes, signalling for the older to continue.

Kim pressed his lips tightly in Chay's lips. He doesn't want to move an inch because he was savoring the moment between them.

This moment was magical for both boys.

Their kiss lasted for awhile. Both boys were cupping each others faces as if they are very scared that they won't see each other again.

Chay astonishingly stared at the string of saliva between his and Kim's lips. Blushing shortly after.

Kim whispered in Chay's ear lightly.

"We both love you—Both Kim and Wik they fell for you, Porchay" The older one said as the younger hugged him tightly.

"I love you, Kim"  Chay muttered in the hug. This was the first time he called his name without any formality.

"I love you too, Chay" Kim said with glee.

Both of them broke the hug and stared at each others eyes. Kim grabbed Chay's face and kissed him again.

This time the kiss was realistic and both sided with both their lips moving and sucking each others.

They shared a kiss under the stars.

At last, both their hearts were happy.

They were contented that their hearts were beating for each other

And they prayed and hoped that it will always stay like that.



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