All The Stars

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"Geonbae(cheers)!" is shouted as we take another round of shots.

"Ho-kay! Let's get some water in me before we drink anymore," I shout as I grab one of the bottles of water that was provided by our waiter.

Hana asked if I'm done drinking for the night and I shake my head, "No, I just need to pace myself, I don't want to forget this night and I'm not sure if I'm ready for y'all to meet drunk Maggie yet. She can be a handful."

"Oooh, do tell." Jessi smirks at me while the others look on curious.

"It's nothing too bad, I tend to be more affectionate and very blunt. I've also been told drunk Magnolia is generous Magnolia but I'm not worried about that tonight."

"Ma'am, you're already generous. You bought Yoongi's coffee AFTER he spilled it on you. Oh and you bought that man his drinks at the Epik High concert. Remember, he couldn't find his wallet." Hana reminds me.

Namjoon's head jerks up and for a moment I thought I saw shock on his face but when I do a double take he is looking down at his phone.

"Y-Yeah, I forgot about that. I hope he found his wallet." I shrug.

"That's enough talk, let's dance" Hana pulls me out of my seat and drags me to the end of the dance floor.

Half the party follows while the others watch us.

I'm usually pretty shy dancing in front of people but the feeling is worse because there are some of the best dancers in the world in the club. Luckily, I've had enough liquid courage to tone down my anxiety and shyness of dancing infront of them. Allowing My body to move with the music, letting go of my inhibitions and just feeling the music.

A familiar guitar rift is heard and I immediately scream out "Jessi!" and grab her, Hana and Hwasa. We immediately sing and rap to the song together and I can tell Jessi is happily surprised I know her song word for word. The guys have encircled us and cheered us on.

At the end of the song we all end up in a different pose for several pictures. Jessi turns and pulls me into a hug.

"Oh my gawd! That was fucking amazing! You didn't tell me you're a fan," she playfully pushes me away.

"I am a Jebbie. I love your blunt boldness."

"You did me proud!" she commends.

Thanking her we make our way back to the booths. Sitting down I take my heels off and switch to my chucks.

"Oh, that's so much better. Now I can really move."

Hearing a tsk from Hana, "that didn't last long." I pointedly look at her while pushing my glasses up with my middle finger and throw her a smirk.

Our waiter comes around with another round of drinks and before I can shoot mine down it's taken from my hand.

"Thanks babycakes!"

Spinning around "Biittch! How you dare- ah! Joohoney! Hi, guys!"

Punching his arm, I make my way to the Monsta members. Giving them hugs all around.

'God damn these men look hella fine.'


Hours later, the drinks pour freely and I am for sure buzzing.

The sultry sounds B.I.'s BTBT starts to surround us and I have to dance to this song. Grabbing Hobi's hand I exclaim "Hey! Come dance with me on this one!" And not giving him a chance to tell me no, quickly drag him to the floor.

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