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Everyone watches as Magnolia slowly walks up the stairs, not knowing how to comfort her.

"Poor Noona," trying my hardest to not run up after her. "Hyung, please tell us what the detective said."

Yoongi lets out a heavy sigh, "Tae, he had some high powered lawyer take his case. They seem to think since you, Jimin, and Kook were witnesses, you wouldn't want to be more involved because it could jeopardize our careers."

"That's fucked up. I will definitely step forward. This isn't about our careers. This is about what is right and wrong!" I burst out.

"Taehyungie is right, hyungs. We were there and it was traumatizing. I have nightmares of that night, reliving her cries for help. H-he a-almost... If we h-had showed up even a minute later," Jungkook stutters out, reliving the horror he witnessed. Jin walks over to the youngest and envelopes him in his arms. "I can't even s-say it."

"We aren't going to let that happen. I already told Officer Nari that we would fully cooperate. I know you guys won't let this monster walk free." Not normally one for displays of affection, Yoongi surprised the youngest by giving them hugs for comfort.

"Don't worry, I spoke with Bang PD and we have our lawyers on it. He won't be getting off." Namjoons assures his members. "We don't have to worry about it, we should figure out what we can do for Magnolia. I have no doubt she is hurting."

Jimin gets up from the couch, "I need to check on Maggie, I don't want what happened that night to happen again." He walks hurriedly by everyone only to be stopped by Namjoon grabbing his arm to keep him back, asking him to elaborate.

Jimin whines and I jump in to explain how we found Magnolia curled in a ball in the shower, under scalding hot water, crying. We explain in detail how she had looked like she scraped and scratched a couple of layers of skin to erase that man's touch.

To all of our surprise Namjoon abruptly makes his way up the stairs with Yoongi close on his heels. I'm relieved because I would gladly help Magnolia shower, but not like this. I don't think I could handle a breakdown from her and not join her. It's amazing how in so little time I have grown to care so much for her, and it would seem that's the same for the others.


Maggie POV

Stepping out of the steamy shower, I take account of my face and body. I need to reassure myself I'm whole and healed. That there are no bruises or lingering aches from the attack. Stepping up to the mirror I wipe it down, a sound not unlike Jin's endearing laughter echoes in the enclosed room.

Staring at my reflection, I perform an exercise my therapist recommended, one I haven't had to do in a year. Taking a deep inhale and express it out;

"I am beautiful."

"I am strong."

"I am smart."

"I am valuable." My voice starts cracking.

"I love myself."

"I'm good enough."

"I deserve to be happy."

At the last affirmation I can't hold back my sobs anymore. I cry because I don't believe all the things I just said, and I cry because deep down I do believe them. It's just hard to reconcile all the torrent of emotions running through me.

My weeping slowly turns to sniffles and whimpers until I run out of tears. The affirmations and crying work, but I'm exhausted and need some time to just be.

Wrapping a towel around my body and attempting to make my way to the closet for clothes, I find I don't have the energy and end up sitting on the edge of the bed. Lost in thought as I stare into space I'm unaware I'm no longer alone.

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