1: Rich Sex

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A/N- Smut, kidnapping(This was taken from my one shot, but I re wrote it a bit, but theres important parts in this part. Again I don't do slow burns so were getting right into it.

I used Google translate, so some things may not be accurate.


Bucky drove downtown to Madome Gao's warehouse. Gao is the leader of the Chinese Mafia. Bucky walked inside.

"詹姆斯,很高興見到你(James. Good to see you)"


"So how are the shipments?"

"Good, you should have them by tomorrow" Bucky responded. Gao nods.

"Perfect, I want to run something by you"


"John Walker"

Bucky sighed.

"The names familiar?"

"Yes, what about him?"

"Well I've been doing business with him for a while and hes seems, not dependable"

Bucky nods. "I can relate, hes not a trust worthy guy. Hes the type of guy that will double cross you"

"I see, thanks for telling me"

"No problem"

Buckys phone buzzed. Speaking of the devil, he got a text from Walker.

"I have to go, I have to meet with this asshole"

Gao laughs softly. "I'll tell him that we're done doing business together"

"Well nows hes going to be pissed at me" Bucky groans.

"You'll deal with him"

"Uh huh, I'll stop by later"

She nods and Bucky walked out.


Bri just finished her shift at her day job. Shes at home doing some drawing. Bri has always loved designing clothes, but she stop when she was diagnosed.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" Rachel asked.

"Hanging with Darcy and Mj, why?"

"Well me and some of the girls are going out"

"Seems fun but I need a calm night" Bri responded. Rachel came over to her.

"Ok what's you're deal?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you like me? Because everytime I invite you out you always reject me"

Bri sighed. "Its not that, it's just complicated. It's not you its me"

Rachel nods and takes a seat next to Bri. "Its everything ok?"

Bri chews her lip. "Yeah, I'm just stressed"

Rachel nods and gives her a side hug.

"Well, as long as you don't hate me"

Bri giggles. She hated keeping a secret from her but she has too.

"We have to go, manager says we have some V.I.P guests coming"


"My money's on Migos"

Bri rolls her eyes. "Yeah ok, I'm going to get my bag"

Rachel nods. Bri went into her room and pack her gym bag. Just some different outfits, heels, deodorant, wet wipes, makeup and a wig. She and Rachel drove to the club and started to get ready.

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