25: What I Hoped Would Be

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A/N- Violence, attempted rape


A man runs inside an office. Sitting at the desk was Alexander Peirce.

"I just got word, Barnes was stabbed"

"I know" Peirce replied. "Is he dead?"

"I don't know yet"

"I'll find out"

The man nods and walks out his office.

"We should have moved in already" Walker said

"I needed him out the way first" Alexander replied. "Now she has no one to protect her"

Walker nods. He gets a text on his phone. "Sorry Peirce, change of plans"

Walker pulls out his gun and shoots Peirce in the head.

"I'm taking point"

Walker puts his gun back in his waist ban. He dials a number on his phone and holds it to his ear.

"Hey heres the new plan, I'm taking back Brianna"

Peirce dead?

"Yep, just shot him"

Ok, I'm on my way

Walker hangs up the phone and puts it in his coat pocket. He opens the door.

"Hey, I need someone to clean up the body in here!"


Steve drove to the hospital right away as soon as he heard about what had happened to him. He opened the door to his room.

"Shit Bucky, are you ok?"

He nods. "Kinda..."

Steve closed the door and walked over to his bed.

"I lost a kidney, I have a hole in my lung which they fixed, the knife missed the liver which is good"

Steve laughs softly. "Anything else?"

"Well, I lost a lot of blood"

"Do you want me to call Bri?"

Bucky shakes his head. "No"


"I can't stress her out anymore"

"Well, shes is pregnant so-"

Bucky looks at him. "What?"

Steve sighed. "She didn't tell you.?"

Bucky shaked his head. "No.."

"Damn, I'm sorry"

"No it's ok, I just forgot you can't keep a secret"

Steve scoffs. "Yes I can"

"No you can't"

"Ok, fuck off"

Bucky laughs and hisses. "My chest hurts"

"I have one question, does Rebeca know you're in here?"

Bucky bites his lip. "Well..."


"The less she knows the better"

"Where does she think you are?"

"Rebeca is in Canada visiting her husband's family"

Steve sighed. "Bucky"

"Steve, I'm not telling Rebeca or Bri what happened"


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