10: Is This It?

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A/N- Violence


Buckys plane finally landed, him and the rest of his men unloaded and met up with May. She was at a base miles from Walkers mansion.

"Hows was your flight?" May asked.

"Long" Bucky replied. "How many?"

"Um 6 guards, 4 handguns and 2 Ak-47s"

Bucky nods. "Did the new shipments come in?"

May nods. "Yes, all loaded too"


"So what's the plan?" Elektra asked.

"Sam and Nat will find my sister, Me, and Steve will find Bri and you and May take care of the rest of the guards"

May nods. "And what about Walker, Rumlow and Alexander?"

Bucky sighs. "One thing at a time"

May nods and raises her hands in defeat. "Alright, when do we move out?"

"In 15"

May nods.


Bri was laying on the bed, the covers wrapped around her her body. Bri is starting to feel weak, her cancer is catching up to her. Shes starting to feel pain in her chest, and she feels nauseous.

After Walker violated her, another man came in a did the same. She doesn't want her last moments alive as a sex slave.

The door then opens and she sits up.


"You're Bri right?" A woman asked. Bri nodded. The women came over to her and sat next to her.

"I'm Rebeca"

Bri smiles. "You know, you look alot like someone I know"

Rebeca smiles. "My brother is Bucky"

"Really? You're Rebeca?"

"In the flesh"

"How'd you get here?" Bri asked.

"I was at home, my husband went to pick up the kids from school and I heard noises in the backyard, then a window breaking. Then some men attacked and drugged me"

Bri nods. "I'm sorry"

"How old are you? You seem young"


"Damn, I remember when I was your age, I was sleeping with every guy and girl in the college"

Bri laughed. "I only been with 4 guys"

"Including my brother?"

Bri blushed.

"Ha, I knew it. Steve owes me 40 bucks"

Bri laughed.

"So so you like him?" Rebeca asked. Bri sighed. "No..."

"You do?"

"I don't"

Rebeca nodded. "Ok, sure"

Bri smiled. "How are you so cheerful, knowing what happened to the both of us?"

Rebeca sighed. "Its something I had to do for Bucky, when dad was being an ass. while dad and mom were fighting, me and Bucky built blanket forts and played Mario"

Bri laughed. "You were a great sister"

"Yeah, I am pretty great"

They both laughed.

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