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It was the end of art class and Y/N was packing up her supplies. She's very particular about how she stores them so Jungkook, who has the class with her, has to wait for her to leave. That's why it surprised her when she had to wait for him this time because he was busy texting someone on his phone.

"So what was that about?" Y/N wondered out loud.

"Oh, nothing. I need to do something later so I can't have lunch with you. Sorry angel."

"Don't even stress. I can use the time to catch up on my reading assignments." She shrugged.

It was their am break so they had fifteen minutes before their next class. They went to their neighboring lockers to switch books. Y/N wanted to talk about their weekend plans when she noticed he was distracted by something behind her.

"Angel, I gotta talk to someone before class. I'll see you later ok?" He walked away before she could even utter a response.

Y/N saw him approaching two girls down the hall. It was Chloe, the school's sweetheart, and her best friend Mari, eight grade class president. Both were nice and were amongst the popular kids in middle school. Jungkook didn't mix with that crowd so why was he going to talk to her? She watched Mari hug Chloe before leaving the two alone together. Jungkook and Chloe talked briefly before walking together down the hall.

Admittedly Y/N was a little bothered by this. Rumors have been circulating lately that Chloe had a crush on him. Was that why he suddenly had to talk to her? She didn't believe the rumors at first but seeing Chloe's face light up while he talked to her practically confirmed it. Y/N didn't have class with him again until after lunch so she had to wait if she wanted to ask him about it.

Later Y/N was in her fourth period class when Chloe and Mari entered together while giggling to themselves. She never paid attention to them before but today she couldn't help herself. They sat at the table right ahead of hers so she was within earshot of their conversation.

"And what did he say?" Mari asking, her eyebrows twitching.

"He agreed of course. Not like we have a choice." Chloe snickered, her face breaking into a huge grin.

"Yes, and I can see how disappointed you are about it." Mari teased. "You're so lucky you got him as your partner."

"It pays to be teacher's favorite. Since I'm her T.A. for last period I knew about the assignment ahead of time. And I may or may not have told her about my crush on him so..."

Mari gave her a high five. "Nice! Talk about getting your man!"

The bell rang signaling the start of class. Their teacher entered the room, effectively silencing all conversations. Y/N had a feeling they were discussing Jungkook. As a result she was distracted the whole time thinking about Jungkook with Chloe. At the end of class, Y/N was stopped by her teacher.

"Y/N dear, can you please do me a favor and take the attendance sheet up to the office? The deadline to turn them in is in fifteen minutes and I forgot I have a parent/teacher conference." Mr. Park asked.

"Yes, of course Mr. Park. I'll bring it to the secretary right away."

Y/N stopped by her locker briefly and picked up the apple Jungkook gave her. She wasn't hungry so that was going to be her lunch. Besides, Jungkook wasn't joining her which meant he can't force her to eat more food. The library was her destination but first she had to go to the office which is on the other side of campus. Taking a short-cut, Y/N passed by the school's theatre. She doesn't have any classes in this part of school so she's rarely ever in this area. As she walked, a familiar giggle caught her attention. There in the shade of a huge tree sat Jungkook and Chloe eating lunch while they talked animatedly. Both so deeply engrossed in conversation they didn't noticed anything else. Y/N wasn't close enough to hear their conversation but she saw the big smile on his face as he talked. So this was what he had to do.

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