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Y/N was hurriedly trying to finish her work so she could go home on time. Jimin was going home for the weekend for the first time since his enlistment. At the moment he should be visiting his parents. He was spending time with them first since Y/N was still at work. But they were meeting for dinner and she couldn't wait to see him.

"Y/N, want to see a movie after work?" Her friend Taehyung asked when he came into her office that afternoon. He had a few minutes before his next meeting so he decided to stop by.

"I can't go today Tae, Jimin is home for the weekend." She replied. "I thought I mentioned it before?"

"Oh, was that this weekend? I guess I had the weeks mixed up." He shrugs before sitting on the corner of her desk. "I'm happy for you though, you must miss him a lot."

"Yes, obviously. We talk several times a week but it's not the same. He's home only two days but it's better than not seeing him I guess."

"Well, enjoy yourself and tell me all about it on Monday." He stood up to leave but before he left, he added. "Call me if you need me to bring you a wheelchair in case you can't walk on Monday." He chuckles as he exited her office.

"Oh my god, shut up Tae!" Y/N laughed. "It's not gonna be like that." She muttered quietly to herself. It wasn't because, well, they've never done it before. In their two-year relationship, they've never had sex. They've kissed of course and made-out many times but they never progressed beyond that because Y/N wasn't ready for that level of intimacy. Luckily Jimin was very understanding about it. He never pushed her beyond her boundaries and always said he would wait until she was ready.

Taehyung wouldn't know about that because they'd only been friends for about six months. Having met during their job orientation, they only recently started getting to know one another. He was quickly becoming one of her trusted friends and almost like a substitute best friend. Especially since her one and only bestie, Jungkook wasn't there. He's the only one who knew her inside out and upside down. She missed him terribly but he promised he would come back for a visit soon. He and Jimin are on the same army unit but right now Jungkook was away on a special training assignment at another base.

At exactly five o'clock Y/N gathered her belongings to go home. On they way out she popped her head inside Taehyung's office next to hers. "Bye Tae. I hope you have a great weekend!"

He flashed his characteristic boxy smile and said "I hope yours is just as great. Remember, call me if you need a wheelchair..."

"Shut up!" She laughed. "Nothing of the sort will be happening."

Outside, Y/N walked towards the bus stop when she heard her name being called. She was busy checking her phone for messages which is why she didn't notice Jimin leaning against his car that was parked in front of her building.

"Y/N, baby!" He yelled loud enough for her to hear over the traffic sounds.

"Jimin!" Her face lit up the second she saw him. She ran over and right into his outstretched arms. "I didn't expect to see you here. I thought you weren't coming over until later?" She smiled as he nuzzled his face into her neck. His nose made her ticklish resulting in her squirming in his arms.

"I missed you so much babe." He added softly. "God, it feels like forever since I've held you." He tilted her chin up and their eyes met, his eyes watering slightly. "I love you." He pressed his lips down onto hers in a long and needy kiss. He'd been dreaming of this moment for weeks and now that he was here, it didn't feel real. He pulled away long enough just to take a breath and cup her cheeks with both hands before diving back into another passionate kiss.

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