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Jungkook felt and heard her presence. It was what anchored him there and kept him from simply floating away. He tried to focus his mind on the sound of her sobbing. Why is she crying?

"I'm sorry...you misinterpreted what I said...you would never lie...I should have believed you."

Then he remembered. This has to be about their fight. It was their worst fight ever that resulted in her walking out on him. He waited for her to cool off and return but she never did. Eventually he had to leave and catch his train back to the base. His multiple calls to her phone were never answered. What started out as one of the best times they've ever spent together turned into the worst one in a flash.

Making love to her was his dream come true. He'd been thinking about it for so long and imagining what it would be like once he told her that he loves her. Maybe it was too good to be true. When she told him that she regretted it, it was a shock to his system. They had never been that open with each other throughout their friendship. They not only bared themselves physically, they bared themselves emotionally too. They have a very strong connection yet the very next day she said she regrets it.

'I'm sorry Jungkook, but it shouldn't have happened this way. I feel terrible for what I've done to Jimin." She cried out, tears adorning her beautiful face. "I regret that this happened..."

"Regret?" He interrupted in a booming voice that surprised even him. "We gave ourselves to each other last night and you regret it? You said you love me."

"I do! I love you Jungkook, more than anyone." Her eyes pleaded with him to understand. "But I love him too and he doesn't deserve what we've done to him! He's been nothing but patient with me yet I mislead him. Because of my indecisiveness, I let him think he meant more to me than you when all along you've owned my heart."

This really angered him. He was not going to let her berate herself when Jimin committed something worse. "He doesn't deserve your loyalty Y/N, not after what he's done!" He snapped.

"What are you talking about?" She narrowed her eyes at him not knowing where this was going. 

And so he found himself not being able to hold back. "Are you that dense? He ignores you. He barely even calls anymore and he can't be bothered to come see you."  He saw the pain flash in her eyes but that didn't stop him from delivering the worst blow. "He's cheating on you Y/N, he's been doing it behind your back for months." Jungkook watched as his words destroyed her, the girl he loves. He hated himself right now for inflicting such pain. This was not how he wanted her to find out. How he wished he could take his words back instantly. "Y/N, I'm sorry..." He moved to hug her but she flinched and took a step back. 

The expression on her face morphed from pain, to disbelief and now anger. "Really? Are you stooping so low as to lie about this..."

How can she not believe him? Doesn't she know he would never lie to her about anything? Did she have no faith in him to think that he would make this up? She stood across from him, arms crossed in front of her body in defensive stance. He had to make her believe him.

"Of course it's true! I would never lie to you!" he defended. But his words fell on deaf ears. She'd already closed off her mind to any suggestion that Jimin would do such a thing.

"No, Jimin would never cheat on me. I can't believe you're saying this."  The hurt in her eyes wasn't for Jimin. No, it was reserved for him and him alone. It stung that she refused to take him at his word.

"Angel please believe me. It's true." He reached for her again hoping she'd fall into his embrace but she shook his hand off.

"Don't touch me!" She yelled. "I'm disappointed in you." There with those words his heart broke. He watched helplessly as she stormed away from him.

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