Bonus #3 Full Circle, Pt2

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Jackson watched her leave. He deeply regretted what he said but his ego prevented him from chasing after her to apologize. He read her face like a book and he knew he wounded her deeply But he was hurting too, after witnessing her make-out with another guy. He's seen enough of that in this lifetime. Eunwoo was only the latest of a long line of guys who draped themselves all over her at school. It made him sick, how she let them use her like that. Did she not realize they only want one thing from her? Why couldn't she see that the person who truly cares for and loves her has been right in front of her this whole time?

He walked through the house and out into the backyard. Taking out his phone, he opened up her social media page and scanned her posts. He found his favorite photo of hers and stared at it like he had hundreds of times before. He was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't hear someone coming.

"How long will you let this continue?" Jungkook asked after he saw the photo Jackson was staring at.

"Huh, what do you mean, Dad?" Jackson pocketed his phone and turned to face his father who looked saddened.

"I mean this feud or whatever it is that's going on between you and Jimin. It's been long enough don't you think? Perhaps now is the time to come clean about your feelings."

"I have no idea what you're on about dad."

"Your mom always says you're exactly like me and she's right. You are making the same mistake I once made. I thought if I left you alone, you'd realize it on your own. But this has been going on for too long so now I'm won't keep quiet anymore. If you don't tell Jimin your feelings, you will lose her for good. Is that what you really want?"

Jackson scoffed. "As if I give a damn about her dad."

"Oh yes you do. Your display back there a few minutes ago proves it. You love her. Don't even try to deny it. It's plain as day to anyone who really knows you."

"What does it matter dad? She doesn't want me. God knows she would rather be with everyone else than be with me." He turned away so that Jungkook wouldn't see him cry.

Jungkook reached his hand out and patted Jackson on the shoulder. The mere touch of his fingers was enough to push his son over the edge. Jackson started sobbing. Quickly Jungkook  turned him around and embraced him. Jackson held on to his dad as if his life depended on it. Jungkook let him cry and patted his back every now and then. When he finally calmed down, he spoke again.

"Your mom and I went through a lot when we were younger. We both had feelings for each other but neither one of us were brave enough to voice it. We wasted so many years that way. It took me nearly dying before we were both ready to admit our true feelings. I'm always grateful for that and we have you and Summer because of it. But sometimes I wonder, what if she or I had found someone else before then? What if one of us had given up the love we felt for the other because we thought it was hopeless. Where would we be now? You and your sister would cease to exist. Do you know how much that scares me?" He let Jackson go, leveled his eyes on his son, placing both hands on his shoulders. "Do you want that to happen to you? Can you live with not having Jimin in your life? Please do not let your ego dictate your life. Speak to her before it's too late."

"But what if she doesn't feel the same way about me as I do her?"

"It's better than that you find out now. It will hurt for a while but you will get past it. I promise you it does get better. But if you don't tell her the truth, you could be missing out on something wonderful. If you do tell her, the rewards will be worth all the pain you suffered. Trust me."

"She probably hates me now. That was a really shitty thing to say."

"Yes, it was. But I think you'll be surprised. Now go find her and apologize."

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