First Impressions

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It was Monday. D-Day for Gordon Ramsay to visit us. Well, if he could find us since I said that we were literally in the middle of the woods.

I was at the bar with Aaron, watching the camera people place their cameras all around our area, and setting up tripods.

"Damn this is it." Aaron whispered, a bit of nervousness in his voice.

I glanced over at him, and sighed. "This better help us or I'm out of this joint."

Aaron looked down at me. "I think it will. I don't know. I read not many restaurants or hotels ever make it after Gordon's episodes are aired."

I shook my head and poured myself a glass of water, taking a sip.

"Where's your mother?" Aaron asked.

I rolled my eyes. "She's in her room, I doubt she will ever come out for Gordon."

Aaron shook his head. Disappointed but not surprised.

I heard the door open, thinking it's Gordon I perked up and sit upright, but I turned and saw Tiffany and Jessica walk in, excitement in their eyes.

Tiffany's blonde hair was tied in a bun and she had on sparkly earrings and a gold necklace.

Jackson's black hair was pushed back and his glasses were ultra shiny.

I gave them a knowing look.

"Come on Evelyn, gotta look good for TV." Jackson said with a laugh.

I groaned and rinsed my glass.

The front door opened.

We all froze.

"PLACES!" I hissed loudly at my coworkers.

Tiffany went in the kitchen, Jackson went in the check in area, and I was at the area with the menus and silverware.

I could hear Gordon's Scottish accent through the thin walls of this place as he talked with Jackson. I stood and played with the menus as I heard bits and pieces of Gordon's conversation.

You all have no idea what it actually is like when Gordon airs these things. The whole area is dead quiet, and the only sound is the camera crew walking around following their star Gordon Ramsay through everything. The only true noise is when Gordon inspects something and adds his flair of drama to it.

Yup, and that is what happened just now.

"What the bloody hell, that's mold!!" I heard his voice.

I glanced over at Aaron who was wiping his bar table.

"Probably talking about the stairs." I said quietly.

Aaron nodded. "The carpet hasn't been changed in years."

We heard their footsteps go up the stairs, and I heard a sigh of relief. I turned to see Tiffany against the kitchen doors.

"It's going to get worse when he sees his room." Tiffany muttered.

"It's going to get even more worse when he sees the shit coming from the kitchen." Aaron added.

I sighed and placed the pile of menus down on the table. "At least this will end up him helping us right?"


We all heard Gordon's scream from down here. We all knew they checked him in to the second floor, and we all knew we checked him in the better of the nine rooms in the floor. Doesn't mean it's top notch. It could be the roaches, it could be the smell, it could be the brothel-esque vibe I was talking about to the camera peeps. Who knows.

Aaron wiped a glass nervously. "He's gonna murder us all." He stammered.

"Aaron it is going to be fine." Tiffany assured. "This is only for TV stuff."

I huffed and looked at my watch. A part me doesn't think it's all drama.

We heard footsteps come down the stairs and saw Jackson run through the dining hall doors and looked at us. He looked frazzled clearly from his experience with Chef Ramsay.

"He's coming down for lunch." He said quickly and ran in the kitchen.

We all widened our eyes.

"Already?! Doesn't he have more to inspect with the rooms and decor and shit?" I asked getting a menu for Gordon.

"I don't know." Tiffany said and ran to the dining hall entrance. "Let's give him our best.

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