Very Wacky Feelings

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After my nap of the day, Gordon decided to invite me towards a stroll on the beach. I was hesitant, but I obliged. I met him at a pier by a local restaurant and I saw that he was wearing a long sleeve black shirt with a leather jacket and jeans his blonde hair quiffed up. I was just in jeans and a blue crop top.

"I'm glad that you decided to join me, Evelyn." Gordon said with a smirk.

"Well it was either that or staring at my wall for hours lost in my thoughts." I said with a shrug.

Gordon chuckled and looked at me. "Oh Evelyn.." he said and patted my back.

I pressed my lips together and nodded walking alongside him by the beach.

I looked upon the ocean, feeling solitude in the sound of the waves crashing among the sand.

"I wanted to have a moment to speak with you." Gordon prompted looking down at me.

"Oh um okay." I said, looking up at him. "What is it?"

"I want to go into more clarity about my feelings for you." Gordon said. "I know you probably don't reciprocate them, but I need to get this off of my chest. Evelyn, I am in love with you. I am head over heels, and I would do anything for you. You are so different, so bold, so wild, and so full of sass. You compliment me so perfect, I love you and I would shout it out from the rooftops if Hollywood wasn't so far up my ass."

I sighed heavily, looking straight ahead. He keeps on pressing on this. But come on, he was just our helper at the Brookstone! But of course I have feelings for him. He's kind, never gives up, strong, supportive, and clearly a man who is loyal. But what about our age gap? What if he was married? I simply cannot. But this famous Chef was in love with me. I stopped walking and turned to look at him.

"Gordon, I know you do." I said as I looked into his blue hues. "And........."

I stood there, thinking.

Evelyn, this will change your life for good or worse.

I continued to stand there, hearing kids in the distance.


I shuddered and sighed.


"I love you too Gordon." I blurted out, my eyes widened flabbergasted at myself.

I cracked my knuckles.

"But I am so concerned about not only our age gap, but I'm also concerned about... aren't you married?" I asked my eyes widened.

Gordon stood there looking fondly at me. "Yes. And four kids."

"Damn." I said. "But still, if you are married, how in the hell do you-" I coughed. "Are you cheating on your wife?"

"Darling are you familiar with polyamory?" Gordon asked.

I pffted. "I had no clue you were into that."

"I'm constantly busy and my wife has no problem with me having someone to keep me company." Gordon said as he walked over to me. "And as soon as I watched your tape, it was love at first sight."

I looked down, my shoes burying themselves in the sand.

"And for the age gap.... it is just a number." Gordon chuckled.

I sighed and looked up at him in the eyes, just still hesitant but nervous.

I wasn't prepared as Gordon put my face in his hands and he pulled me in, pressing his lips in mine as he kisses me passionately. What could go wrong? For the first time ever, I kissed him back giving him the same energy. Gordon wrapped his arms around me as we kissed and I wrapped mine around his neck. This was weird, strange, and awkward, but it felt right.

As soon as we pulled away I let out a huff. "Sheesh." I said as I looked at him. God damn he was a good kisser.

Gordon chuckled. "I have much more under my belt." he joked.

"Oh hell no." I said and gave him a light smack on the chest.  "We are definitely not going there at all."

Gordon laughed gently. "Yes, ma'am."

I crossed my arms and looked at the ocean. This new thing me and Gordon have is kinda weird, but I'll vibe with it.

"You are still my teacher." I said looking at him. "Next lesson tomorrow?"

"Well what do you want to learn, dear?" Gordon asked, wrapping his arm around me, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Oooh how about seafood?" I asked.

"Your wish is my command." Gordon replied and he nuzzled his head in my neck.

Oh dear. What have I gotten myself into. Lordy lordy.

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