Lunch Service Pt. 2

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It has been exactly twenty minutes since Gordon ordered. I was in the kitchen praying for my downfall when I walk out there to hand him his food - or whatever you call it.

I watched closely as Holt put garnish on the calamari and he put all three dishes on the counter, dinging the order up bell heavily.

I groaned and walked towards the food, expecting each dish closely. They looked decent, but I'm sure they won't taste like eighty bucks.

Yes guys. These three pieces of shit dishes cost a whopping eighty bucks.

"These better be damn good for him to be waiting for twenty minutes." I hissed, before taking all three and head for the dining room.

I could already tell that Gordon was annoyed by his wait time by the creasing on his forehead as he frowned and the intensity of his blue eyes.

Why the fuck am I talking about his eyes.

As I made it to his table, I placed the dishes on the table. "One spaghetti, One calamari, and one ribeye medium rare." I stated.

"Well about bloody time." Gordon scoffed.

"I'm sorry for the wait." I replied.

"Do your customers usually wait this long?" Gordon asked, taking a fork and aiming for the steak first.

"Yes." I said with a sigh. "Because our chefs like to procrastinate."

Gordon raised an eyebrow. Not sure if that meant 'What the fuck Evelyn' or 'Oh wow'.

I just gave him a nod and headed back to the kitchen. But that wasn't the end.


I turned around and made my way back. "Yes Chef?" I asked.

Gordon has cut through his steak and it was nothing but pink. Pink all over, doesn't look cooked at all.

I know you all are ready for his famous quote.

"It's fucking raw!" Gordon said, anger and disappointment in his eyes.

I sighed and face palmed. I know this is what I expected when it came from Marco and Holt, but damn Gordon saying that to you is like woweee.

"To be quite frank, I'm not going to try the other dishes as I think it is going to be the same result." Gordon said, taking a sip of his water. "I would like to speak to your Chefs."

Oh my gosh yes. Murder the shit out of them. Do whatever you gotta do. Yes!

"Yes Chef, follow me." I said, a little bit too giddy.

Gordon took his steak and stood up, following me as I went in the kitchen.

Marco and Holt looked up from their giggling and as soon as Gordon went into view they looked at each other with smirks on their face.

"The hell are you buffoons smirking at?" Gordon said walking to the counter. He practically threw the plate that had the steak on it and crossed his arms. "I have waited twenty minutes for raw steak. RAW. STEAK! What do you guys have to say for yourselves?"

"Well if Evelyn didn't rush us we wouldn't have served you raw steak." Holt said.

I swear to fuck I wanted to punch his smartass right then and there.

"Rushing you? Rushing you? Waiting for twenty minutes for my meal was rushing? Are you out of your mind?" Gordon asked, getting pressed.

"You get what you get." Marco stated.

Oh shittake mushrooms. That hit a nerve on Ramsay like a bullet.

"Oh really? Really? I get what I get? Well Marco, you need to get off your damn high horse and snap into reality! I see a stove that is not used and a microwave that is probably the only appliance used here!  You two aren't running a kitchen, but a reheating pit stye! You two bastards only care about playing around and harassing Evelyn over here while this hotel is burning down!"

The two Chefs were silent and Holt just looked down.

"Quiet now aren't you both?" Gordon challenged. "Make this a reminder not to open your fucking mouth when you are around me, yeah? Or perhaps ever. I'm not done with you two, just letting you know."

He sighed and checked his own watch. "I'm going to get lunch elsewhere. Evelyn, where do you recommend?"

I was still shook about the whole thing that went down. "Uh in town there is a burger joint named Harold's. Very good."

Gordon nodded and looked at Marco and Holt before back at me. "I'm going to see how you all run a busy kitchen during dinner service. See you then."

He walked out of the kitchen.

I looked at the two who has been part of making my job hell and crossed my arms. "You fucking dimwits." I said and walked out of the kitchen, making my way towards the bar.

I sat on the stool and sighed. Aaron walked by and handed me a glass of water.

"Let me guess, not good?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said. "But god damn you should have seen it, Gordon went full on ham on Marco and Holt. You should see their faces man pure gold."

Aaron chuckled. "They deserve it you know. And not only for their shitty cooking, but harassing you."

I nodded seeing a soft look in his eyes.

"Well, he is going for lunch and he is going to see what dinner service is like." I said, standing up and heading towards to clean the table Gordon sat at.

"Fingers crossed." Aaron said.

"Or broken."

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