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"You have to tell me what's going on." He is laying on my bed waiting for me to talk.
    "She might be a witch and had the rest of the gang under her spell. I guess I triggered you and with you fighting on the inside, you freed yourself. I would be under her spell as well but I have the bracelet Jax gave me on. It protects me from black magic. She wants something and I don't know if it has to do with the fact of what we are. I'm going to do a simple spell that would test whether she is a witch or not." If I was wrong I would sound like I'm out of my mind, I would have to leave because I'm not wanted anymore.
    Could Enzo be under her influence as well?
    "That would explain Enzo's behavior" I whisper. I almost forgot werewolves could hear from a distance. When Charmer heard me his eyes widened.
    "What did he do."
    "Nothing that matters. Look up where I could find these stones." I pointed at my bracelets stone. I wanted to get my hands on the stone and hand cut myself. The ones from stores are usually fake and the properties of the stone won't work to its fullest ability.
    "uh Katherine you would have to go all the way to Australia." "Buy me a ticket to Australia. You will be staying here and pretending to be under her spell. You will call me daily to let me know what she plans on doing. Take care of the rest of the gang no matter how mad I am at them I can't let them be in any danger." I sat down and used a strand of hair she left when I pulled her hair. I grabbed my mother's spell book and closed my eyes shut. I held out my hands on top of stand of hair. I began to chant the words written in the book.
    "In hoc fragmen DNA, volo scire. Sisyphus, gypsy, maga, vampire, quæ est hæc." The strand of hair began to move and formed into the word, "witch."
    "I was right." I looked over to Charmer and he seemed very shocked at what I have done. I was too.
    "What will you do now, red?"
    I started to think straight. I was being kicked out and to not raise any suspicion on Charmer I had to leave. We have to seem distanced from each other. I'm going to buy a house in LA. I will drop off my stuff there and go to Australia to get stones for the rest of the gang. After that, with their help I will find out what to do with her.
    "Earth to red! Hello? Mind sharing your thoughts"
    "Oh right. Find me a mansion, I am going to buy a private jet that way I can go to Australia. I can't afford distractions right now."
    "Whoa! Do you know how much money that whole purchase will be?"             "Money is the least of my worries. The company is doing great and I'm winning a lot of money, you really think money is the problem?"
    "At least let me pay for some of it."
    "This is on me, I brought her here and its my mess, keep your money I will be fine."
    I got up and began to walk out the door. I held the handle to the briefcase with my mothers spell book in it tightly. I can't afford to lose anything valuable anymore. First the letter, then my crown. What next? My powers? I reached the bottom of the stairs just to see Enzo's lips on someone else. Chloe. I'm not even going to waste my breath on her or him. I know he is under her spell but I can't bring myself to listen to what he might say.
    "Where are you going?" Asked Enzo in a serious tone. My temper is running low and I began to have a headache.
    "Home" Not even I knew what I meant when I said home. I thought my home is here with them but at this point I feel like I'm intruding into there den.             "Home is here with me." He wrapped his arm around her waist while she began to play with his hair.
    "You guys are kicking me out. I don't want to stay either way. I have a new home somewhere that isn't with you. I wanted you but your causing pain and I don't want that. You are free to be with someone else." I looked at Chloe to see a smirk on her face. I walked closer to the door.
    "We are over." I turned the door knob and slammed the door closed. I felt a tear come down. I had to stay strong, for them, for me.

.    .    .    .    .    .    .    .   
    Enzo's POV
    She walked out the door. She left me. I looked over to see Chloe right by my side. My head began to feel like a fire alarm. I began to growl. I placed my hand on my head trying to stay strong but it hurt.
    "Bae are you ok?"
    Bae? I am suddenly confused about everything. I decided to play along. I didn't feel like explaining my pain to her.
    "I'm fine. I will go upstairs."
    "I'll tell Striker to make you some soup ok?"
    Without responding her I ran upstairs and ended up in Katherines room. Where did she go? I looked at the ground to see red jewels scattered everywhere. What happened? I looked at the bed and moments of Katherine began to flow in my mind. It hurt so bad. I looked at her mirror just to see a flashback to when she taught me to braid her hair. I dropped to my knee just to see her desk right next to me. More thoughts of her began to flow right back to me. Why did she leave? My heart began to be filled just because of the thoughts that began to flow in. I remember how I felt about her, what she meant to me. The pain began to leave but my heart began to ache. She was gone. I let her leave my side. I made her leave my side. I sat in the corner and felt tears stream down. I then heard the door began to turn, I quickly tipped my tears and wait to see who walked in. It was Charmer. Maybe he knew why she left.
    "Where is she?" I tried keeping my cool but my wolf wasn't having it. It came out as a growl. From my reflection of the mirror I could see my eyes glow. His wolf side began to surface.
    "FROM WHAT SHE TOLD ME YOU MADE HER LEAVE. This is all on you Enzo, if you wouldn't have come into her life we would be fine. You were the reason she left. I saw that you cheated on her as well. ARE YOU OUT OF YOU MIND!?!?! She never did anything to you. You say you're nothing like her ex but it sure seems like it. You're on the final string with me, mess up one more time I won't hesitate to kill you. Now if you excuse me I have work to do."
    "I never cheated on her I- I would never." I fell on one knee just to realize I did. I kissed Chloe but that wasn't me. I would never.
    "DAM IT, I just remembered what Katherine said. Get up! Act normal I hear Chloe coming. Treat her like she is your girlfriend and I'll tell you where Katherine is." said Charmer.
    Remembered what? Where is she? Why would I treat Chloe like my girlfriend. . . anything to get to her . . . I messed up and I have to fix it. Before I could get a word out the door knob was being turned. The door began to open and I quickly calmed myself down.
    "Heyyy, Love. Me and Charmer were just talking you know bro to bro. Thank you for the food but me and Charmer have to wrap up our business. You can leave now, I'll check up on you later." I kissed her on the forehead and pushed her out the door. After I shut the door closed I wiped my mouth from that disgusting kiss. I felt absolutely uncomfortable doing that. With Katherine I would want to do it over and over again and not get tired. "Tell me everything." Charmer began to laugh at what I said. He said he would tell me.
    "I can't do that. I'll have to text Katherine first to give her a heads up but good job on acting normal. Keep it up."
    THAT'S IT I CAN TEXT HER!! I grabbed my phone and dialed my phone. Eagerly waiting for her response the lady told me that the phone number didn't exist. She changed her phone number. Out of anger I threw my phone across the room. I watched it as is shattered into pieces.
    "Hey bae, are you okay? I heard something break." Said Chloe through the door. GOD, SHE IS ANNOYING AS HELL! I remembered what Charmer said and acted normal. If it's what Katherine would have wanted I will do it.
    "Everything is fine!" I need to get out of here without Chloe seeing me. She began talking but I ignored her the whole time. I remembered there was a window in her room she used to sneak out once. She didn't need to sneak out but she wanted a normal teenage life so she tried. I opened the window and stepped on the roof. As a wolf we are able to jump certain heights. I closed the window and jumped down. I began to let my wolf in control. I let him sniff out her scent.
    After an hour I ended up in front a huge house. There were more windows than actual covered up space. It seemed like 2 separate house connected into one because of the bridge made out of red stained glass. There was a few trees in the background but a pool in the back with a hot tube ride next to it. On the very corner was a hug garage with her collection of cars already there. She is moving in.
    I turned back into my human form and walked towards the door. I have never felt more nervous in my life. I am just nervous that she won't forgive me. What if she doesn't take me back. I know what part of me did but It wasn't even the real me. I knocked on the door twice waiting for someone to answer. She answered the door and I immediately say her tear stains. She seemed so mad when she realized I was at the door.
    "Why are you here?" Without thinking I walked right through the door. I wasn't about to have a full on conversation with her at the door.
    "I don't have time to talk to you right now." With every word she sounded disappointed in me. I don't blame her
    "You have to listen to me, what you saw wasn't what it seemed. I swear to you, it was like I was mind controlled by her."
    "I know," I got closer to her and held her hand. She immediately took her hand out of mine.
    "What's wrong?" There is no reason for her to be rejecting me. She looked anywhere else but at me.
    "It's time for you to go." I tried pulling her into my arms but she resisted me again. "We aren't meant for each other, go back to Chloe,"
    "You know she means nothing to me, don't push me away because of it." I was on the verge of getting on my knees. My heart ached. I waited for her response.     "I know it wasn't you but I can't be with you not now nor ever. You caused me pain and I can't deal with you,"
    "I'm sorry you had to see that but I swear to you that no matter what you will be my one and only girl. Please, I'm begging you, don't leave me."
    "You know where the door is. I don't want to call security on you so I advise you leave."
    This was it. She is pushing me away for something I didn't mean to do. I was being mind control. My wolf was pushing through but if I really cared about her I would leave her. I would let her think correctly and she would come on her terms. This wasn't it! I am not letting her go over some chick that came thinking everything was hers.
    I let my wolf form and ran out of her house. I didn't have control, my wolf did. I ran and ran till I found myself barging into the gang's house. It technically was my home. Her home. I leaped for Chloe and I tried ripping her head off. I was mad she took Katherine away from me. I would be a killer but I would at least know that the person who got in between me and Katherine would be gone.
    "BABE! What are you doing?!?!?" Said Chloe with a smile plastered on her face. I sank my claws in her throat and I could see her blood spill out.
    "Baby stop!" She began crying. What a drama queen. In that moment I felt a pang in my head. She was in my head. She is trying to control me right now. I got off of her and I began to whimper in pain. Every single memory I had of Katherine began to fade. Every single one. After a while I passed out. All I could see what the darkness.

.    .    .    .    .    .    .    .   
    Katherine's POV
    After Enzo came to visit, it pained me to send him away. Everything he said to me made it harder to send him away. I had to let all my emotions out before I got back to work. Everything was ready for me to go to Australia. Nothing was holding me back so Australia here I come.

16 Hours Later

    I haven't been on a plane so long that I felt like I got plane sick. I didn't even know that's a thing. I was in a cabin in the woods. It felt relaxing being alone in nature. I was near an area that was full of black tourmaline. All I needed was to get enough for 9 people. It shouldn't take me long.
    I walked up the mountain and took a big chunk of black tourmaline out. This was more than enough. I placed it in my black backpack and took it back to the cabin. I had a choice to stay for the rest of the day or go back. I would love to stay but I have to fix everything that is going on back home. Back on the plane I go.

    .    .    .    .    .    .    .    .   
    Charmer's POV
    I missed Katherine being here. With Chloe here, she annoyed ever single last fiber in me. I wonder where Enzo went. I haven't heard from him since he went to Katherine's house. I tried avoiding Chloe because I didn't want to be under her spell again. It was painful to know she erased every memory we all had with Katherine.
    I headed downstairs to see Enzo and Chloe sucking there faces off. I felt like vomiting. Enzo wasn't supposed to go that far with acting like he didn't know about what Chloe did. I was happy for Katherine but right now this is considered cheating. He knows and he shouldn't be doing this. I felt sudden anger. Before I knew what I was doing I grabbed Enzo and pulled him away.
    "What are you doing!?" I growled.
    "I'm kissing my girlfriend." He had a smirk on his face. What happened at Katherine's place today? He seemed too happy about this.
    "Don't be jealous Charmer." Said Chloe smiling while twirling her hair. God I wanted to drag her out the house.
    "You don't get to call me Charmer. It's Caleb to you. You went to far Enzo. What happened to Katherine?!?!"
    "Chloe is my only girl." He growled. Enzo then punched me. Chloe was just smiling like a psychopath. After fighting Enzo once I know all his weak spots. We fought until Enzo was on the ground bleeding and unconscious.
    "Get off him!" She began getting in my head once again. I couldn't let her take over again. I won't let Katherine be alone. I screamed in pain but it was working. I was wearing her off. It was me against her. Blood started coming out my ears and so was she.
    "GET. OUT. OF. MY. HEAD!" I stood up and and got her on her knees. Eventually she gave up and passed out on the ground. The whole gang began to surround me. I forgot everything Katherine had told me to do. They think I am against them. I can't fight all of them.
    "Caecus!" Thank god.
    "I told you to blend in! What part of that didn't you understand?! I can't hold it on for longer. DAM IT CHARMER! It's time to fight."
    On that cue Chloe wakes up and looks at Katherine like she is about to murder her. Chloe then pulls out a knife from her pocket. She is a psychopath. Katherine was too busy with everyone else, so was I. Dam it!
    "KATHERINE WATCH OUT!" I yelled. She looked over and stopped the knife from hitting her liver. I watched as the knife swung around and the whole gang team up against Katherine. I pushed through the crowd to see Katherine getting up from the ground. Before my eyes caught up, Katherine was back on the ground with a major cut on her eye. Her cut was around 5 inches long. It was right above her eyebrow straight down. I saw her grunt in pain. I tried getting near her but Joker and Rocco held me back.
    "Katherine!!" She needs help.
    I failed you, I'm sorry


YA'LL SHE GOT JUMPED BY HER OWN CREW!! This just got realllll. and whats up with Enzo??? Dude lost his mind. Anywaysss hope ya'll enjoyed. Next chapter up shortly, don't forget to vote!

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