Goodbye ①⓪

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"I give up!" the young man, Rudy, exclaimed, summoning the last of his strength. The sword, which had been poised threateningly at his neck, was swiftly sheathed, relieving the tension in the air.

The victor, Zephyr Greyrat, extended his hand for a handshake, acknowledging his opponent's valiant effort. He felt a sense of satisfaction, witnessing the growth and determination Rudy had displayed during their intense duel.

"That was a good match, Rudy. It was incredibly close," said Zephyr with genuine admiration in his voice. "If I hadn't utilized my Touki to shatter that enormous boulder into pieces, you would have undoubtedly bested me."

Zephyr was Rudy's twin brother, though he stood taller despite Rudy being older.

'Touki had always intrigued Zephyr as he recalled the intense sensation that drew him towards the enigmatic power. It felt like an instinctual force, constantly itching at him, urging him to explore its depths. The abnormal strength and agility he experienced while wielding Touki were both mesmerizing and bewildering, leaving him with a sense of awe and curiosity.

Seeking guidance, he had consulted their father, who revealed that this ability was called Touki or battle aura, commonly utilized by skilled swordsmen. However, understanding Touki was a personal journey, and his father advised him to trust his instincts while using it.

Accepting his defeat, Rudeus Greyrat reciprocated the handshake, his curiosity piqued as he asked, "Touki? What's that?" Confusion was evident in his voice.

Zephyr took a step back as Roxy, standing behind them, provided an explanation, "Touki, in essence, is a form of manipulation, but unlike the flashy effects of invocation, it remains invisible to the naked eye. All swordsmen and fighters at or above the Saint-class level possess the ability to utilize Touki."

Roxy couldn't help but express her astonishment, "Are you both really kids? You two are on par with at least B-rank adventurers. I am proud to have the opportunity to teach such young geniuses like you. Your names will undoubtedly spread throughout the continent." She sighed, a mix of pride and sadness in her voice.

"It's all thanks to your guidance, Master," Rudeus replied honestly, with Zephyr nodding.

"I'm happy to hear that, but unfortunately, you have graduated, which means I have nothing more to teach you," Roxy said, acknowledging the end of their training. "I envy your talent, but it has taught me not to get too ahead of myself. It was truly enjoyable while it lasted, Rudy, Zephyr."

"I will leave tomorrow morning," said Roxy, her voice carrying a mix of sadness and determination, and their conversation came to an end.

The night grew darker, and the training grounds felt emptier with the impending departure of Roxy. Rudeus couldn't help but feel a sense of loss, as if a significant part of his life was about to vanish. The emotions swirled within him, making it difficult to find the right words to express his feelings.

He took a deep breath, trying to compose himself, but the tears still threatened to spill. "Master, I... I don't know how to say goodbye," he stuttered, struggling to find his voice. "You've been there for me, believing in me, pushing me to be better. I can't imagine a life without you guiding me."

Roxy placed a tender hand on his cheek, her touch reassuring and comforting. "Goodbyes are never easy, Rudy," she said softly. "But remember, this isn't the end of our connection. You've grown into an exceptional magician, and I have no doubt you will make a mark in this world. Our paths may diverge, but the bond we share will endure."

Zephyr stood beside his brother, offering silent support. His eyes conveyed a sense of understanding and acceptance, knowing that this moment was a necessary part of his growth.

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