kiyotaka the scholar? ①①

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My frustration grew as I stared at the small rock in front of me, its atoms stubbornly refusing to budge despite my best efforts. 

"Failed, huh?" I muttered to myself, trying to suppress the irritation building within me. Twenty-five attempts, and not a single success.

The object of my experimentation was a seemingly unremarkable rock, devoid of any special properties or enchantments.

I had initially believed that manipulating its atoms would be a straightforward task, one that I could accomplish effortlessly with my knowledge and skills.

Yet, time and again, my attempts were met with disappointment. No matter how I focused my mana or channeled my concentration, the atoms remained resolute, locked in their arrangements.

With a sigh, I leaned back and took a moment to collect my thoughts. I couldn't let frustration cloud my judgment; I needed to approach this problem with a clear mind.

Analyzing my past attempts, I realized that I had been using the traditional principles of magic, trying to force the atoms to separate using mana.

But perhaps that was the mistake. Maybe the answer lay in a more unconventional approach.

While I wasn't particularly disheartened, I knew it was time to reassess my approach.

I needed to explore something more intriguing and unconventional. My thoughts turned to one of the most fascinating theories in physics – quantum physics.

Quantum physics, also known as quantum mechanics, was a fundamental branch of physics that described the behavior of matter and energy at the smallest scales of the universe, such as atoms, molecules, and subatomic particles.

It provided a comprehensive framework for understanding the strange and counterintuitive behavior of these particles, often deviating from classical Newtonian physics.

Even when I had learned about quantum physics in the white room, my mind couldn't let go of its potential applications.

There were multiple possibilities with this approach, and it was time to put my knowledge into practice.

First off I need to get out my room. Precisely my and Rudy's. I need to be ready for all unforseen situations.

Like I  ain't trying build to nuclear bombs but if situations arrive where potential explosion occur I need to be cautious. Specifically now I need a laboratory.

Now I don't think I have fund to create a laboratory nor do I think my parents will allow it since a five year old asking to build a labarotory is not normal. after pondering my head for a while I  came to a conclusion.

This will work, I thought to myself.

The next day

"Dad, can I go and play outside? I've already completed today's sword training," I asked, leaning back on a chair with my legs propped up on one another. Paul was sitting nearby, sipping on a drink as I made my request.

"Hm? Sure, go ahead, but be back before dark. I realize I've kept you busy with training, and I haven't given you much time to play and enjoy yourself with other kids. Take a one-week rest and have fun," he replied, a gentle smile forming on his face.

It was a rare sight to see Paul in this more relaxed and understanding mood. He was usually either in his goofy, playful mode or in upright coach mode. This new side of him seemed more mature, and I appreciated the gesture of granting me some time off.

As we chatted, he opened up about his past worries. He confessed that he used to fret about Rudy and me, concerned that we never acted like typical children or cried like others. He attributed it to our genius-level talents, but it was evident that he had always cared deeply for us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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