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The Runaway

Peaky Blinders
season 1
                 episode 1


Tommy had a plan.

A plan that was going to change everything.

Change the way he and his family lived and survived in this smoke and shit infested city. Change who they were in the world. Change the otherwise tragic outcome of their lives.

     Sometimes life dropped something in your lap, something valuable, call it luck or fate. It gives you a new opportunity that if you don't take the chance you may never get it again.

A chance to change your life forever.

Change is a powerful thing, and as Tommy rode on the back of a horse called Monaghan Boy, raised up higher than those around him and paid a chinese girl who tells fortunes to put a spell on the horse, Tommy knew he was ready for this change. Anticipating this change.

Ready for the power and chaos that would come with it. Ready for the blood and death and war that would come with it.

Consequences be damned.


Charlotte was no stranger to change.

Her life had been nothing but one drastic change after another since before the war and now wasn't any different. From losing her family within years of each other, to running away from her home in America, away from the blood and the ghost that haunt her daily. Change was inevitable, and it had never been kind to her. All the change she had been faced with did nothing but make her life worse.

Its safe to say she knew change all too well. She should be used to it by now but honestly, of all the things she had been through in her life, all the life altering earth shattering changes, she would have never thought they would have led her here.

She arrived in Small Heath, Birmingham almost a month ago and she couldn't even begin to describe how much her life had altered within that time. Life is always putting new things before you, new opportunities or new people. Whatever it may be you can never predict the outcome it will bring to your life. Whether it will be good or bad.

Within that time Charlotte had changed her lifestyle completely. Traded her lavish life full of money and stability and status for a life completely contradicting what it used to be. For something that should have had her running back to America, back to the life she's always known, but Charlotte didn't run from this change. Instead she embraced it.

During her time in Small Heath, Charlotte has grown to understand and adapt to this change in an entirely new environment very well. She's been here for almost a month and a lot has happened since her arrival in the shit and smoke covered city.

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