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The Runaway

season 1
episode 3
Part 2


     Charlotte and John make their way to Charlie Strongs yard on foot. John apologizes for the lack of proper transportation, especially for someone as dressed up as her. As they walk, she gets plenty of looks from men on the street that John was more than happy to leer at.

     Charlotte didn't mind the walk but was curious as to how they were going to get to the races. When she asked John he just gave her a sly smile and said she would have to wait and see.

     When they arrive at Charlie Strongs yard, avoiding puddles and horse shit along the way, Charlotte is shocked when all she see's are Peaky Blinders gathered around. Including Finn. Thank goodness JP had extra school lessons on Saturday's, no matter how much he hated missing out.

     As Charlotte looks around, she can't help but worry and wonders out loud if she should be here. John throws an arm over her shoulder, reassuring her.

     "Your family, Charlie. No need to fret."

     Charlotte is touched by his words, not knowing what to say when Arthur walks by them. He whistles lowly at her much like Scarlett had earlier.

     "Nice dress Charlie, you should wear that to my pub." Charlotte shakes her head in amusement with a growing smile.

     Meanwhile, Celeste slams the door of number six Watery Lane as she comes rushing in. She finds Polly alone, sitting at the kitchen table, looking at her like she was mad after her abrupt entrance. Celeste then starts pacing in front of the table.

     "Cel, what is it?" Polly snaps impatiently after a few moments of her pacing. Celeste stops to face her.

     "Did you know John was taking Charlie to the races?"

     Polly's eyebrows raise in surprise.



     "Taking Charlie to the races?"


     "John?" Polly emphasizes, "not Tommy?"

     "Yes, John!" Celeste snaps before she pauses. "Did you just say Tommy?"

     Polly leans back in her chair looking away from Celeste confused. This didn't make any sense to her, she thought for sure if anyone were to take Charlotte to the races, it would be Tommy.

     "I didn't know. It must have just happened." Polly sighs. Did Tommy know that John was taking Charlotte to the races?

     "What about Tommy, Pol? Was he going to take Charlie Rose to the races?" Celeste wasn't blind, she could see that the Shelby brothers had taken a liking to her niece. Perhaps none more so than the most closed off of them.

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