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The Runaway

"Shelby Brothers, Part 2"


John opens the door with Arthur behind him, walking out just around the corner to look at the bar.

Charlotte and Scarlett stand in the middle of the bar, not overly packed but still busy, waiting for Harry to make his way over to them. Charlotte was planning on asking him for a job hoping he would simply say yes, but lately nothing in Charlotte life had ever been simple.

Harry makes his way over to them after helping a few customers, "ello ladies, what can I get you?" Harry looked absolutely exhausted, Charlotte hoped this would mean he'd give her the job with no question.

     "Hello Harry, get me a whiskey." Scarlett hoped the whiskey would settle her nerves of her cousin working here, though she doubted it would. She couldn't believe Charlotte had really decided to work here, she thought the past few days would clear her mind of the nonsense but clearly it hadn't.

Harry nodded, pouring her drink while looking over towards Charlotte, "how about you love?"

Charlotte just shook her head, "I didn't come for a drink Harry, I actually came to ask you a question." She paused as he looked at her nodding for her to go on. "Would you happen to have a job opening? If so I'd like to apply."

Harry looked at her with wide eyes before busting out laughing, she has to be joking. John and Arthur watched on with amused expressions at the American asking Harry for a job, still going unnoticed by both women.

Once Harry realized she was in fact not joking as she continued to look at him with a serious expression on her face he was shocked. "Wait, you're serious? You do know about this place, don't you love? It's no place for a girl like you."

Scarlett snorted into her glass, "oh she knows Harry, and ever persistent one she is, she still wants the job."

Harry looked back and forth from Scarlett to Charlotte, still not understanding. Was this American bird mad?

Harry shook his head looking at Charlotte, "Sorry Charlie but I can't do that, you don't know what this place is like and it'd be better if you didn't find out." Harry started getting called on the other half of the bar slowly making his way there, "sorry love."

Charlotte wasn't one to backdown and followed him, making her way through the patrons of the bar telling Scarlett she would be right back as she just lifted her glass towards her wishing her luck.

Harry served the other patrons on the other half of the bar as she made her way towards him, determined for the job. Harry was still weary, she didn't know what she was getting herself into.

"I know you need the help Harry, I don't mean any offense but you look exhausted and I don't see that you have any other help around here. So hire me."

     "Look," he leans towards her across the bar lowering his voice, "I'm sure your aunt and cousin told you all about this place, why would you want to work here? Have you ever worked in a bar before?"

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