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The Runaway

season 1
                 episode 4
Part 1


     When they arrived back from the races sometime in the evening, Tommy had dropped Grace off first. As she got out of the car she wondered what would transpire between Charlotte and Tommy now that they were alone. It wouldn't matter though. Grace knew what she had to do as she quickly got in contact with Campbell.

Charlotte and Tommy drove the rest of the way in silence to park the car in the empty lot near Watery Lane, minds both racing with the events of the day. Despite their never ending thoughts, not one word was said between them about what had occurred at the races. Once they arrived, Charlotte quickly gets out and can't stop herself from slamming the car door shut behind her, too angry to care. Tommy does nothing but glance at her before getting out himself. They make their way to Watery Lane in complete silence.

     As they reach Watery Lane, each splitting off  and going their separate ways across the street from each other, Tommy can't help but look back towards Charlotte and watch her go. He knew she was upset, if her silence and the slamming of his car door were anything to go by, but it left him wondering. Wondering why she hadn't said anything about what happened at the races since they left Kimber's, but then again, neither had he. He couldn't even give her an answer as to why he came back for her. Truthfully because he didn't know himself, or perhaps he didn't want to admit it to himself.

     Tommy watches Charlotte make her way inside before turning and entering the betting shop door. Perhaps they would both choose to forget about it, to put the worst of the day behind them. But as they each make their way inside their respective homes, they can't help but contemplate the events of the day and the things left unsaid between them.

Charlotte enters number twelve Watery Lane and finds JP and Scarlett sitting at the table, eating dinner. Scarlett smiles and goes to greet her but is startled by her appearance. Her once beautiful dress now ripped along the side.

"Charlie!" Scarlett exclaimed surprised. "What happened to your dress?"

Charlotte had been preparing herself for this question on the ride back, contemplating how to respond. Does she tell the truth? Tell her that Tommy had somehow dragged her into a business deal with Kimber? That Kimber had tried to force himself on her, resulting in her ripped dress? That Tommy, despite putting her in that situation, had stopped Kimber before anything could happen, and she had no idea why?

She had thought maybe it was because of Celeste and Scarlett. They were family friends of the Shelby's, yes, but they were Charlotte's family. In no way would they ever be okay with what he had involved her in if they knew. Tommy knew that too, so why get her involved at all just to change his mind after?

"Oh, it's a funny story actually," Charlotte starts, putting a slightly amused smile on her face but it doesn't reach her eyes. "There was this waiter who was rather clumsy. He was carrying a tray of champagne glasses and tripped. I was nearby as it happened and when he went to reach for the table to stop his fall he accidentally grabbed my dress!" She let's out a laugh but it sounds pitiful, even to her ears.

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