1: Jonathan's Confession

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Jonathan lay flat at the end of his bed, bored out of his mind. He had nothing to do today and everyone was out of the house except for him. He sat there twiddling his thumbs for a while before realizing he had a best friend he could do shit with. He sat up excitedly and rushed for the phone. He dialled his friend's number and waited for him to pick up.

"What's up, man! This is Argyle speaking"

"Hey Argyle, you mind if I come over?" Jonathan fidgeted with the phone cord awaiting his friend's answer.

"Of course, bro! I don't got anything better to do" Jonathan stifled a smile as he heard a chuckle on the other end. He eventually hung up and got ready. He threw on a shirt and pair of jeans from his floor and rushed out the door.

As he sat behind the wheel of his car, he couldn't help but think about Argyle, the very man he was going to see. Argyle had been his only friend for a long time and he loved hanging out with him. Argyle is funny, smarter than people think, a great listener and genuinely adorable. Jonathan's stomach flipped a bit at that last thought. He meant it in a close friend way, he didn't think Argyle was attractive...well, maybe. Jonathan thought about past times thoughts like this have crossed his mind, about Argyle as a romantic interest. He had to admit it's been more than a few times.

It wasn't like Jonathan was new to these sorts of thoughts, Steve wasn't exactly wrong during that altercation they had. It was just, that he felt like bringing romantic feelings up to Argyle would ruin what they have. He wasn't sure if Argyle would even feel the same. He had a thing for Eden briefly so that confirms he likes girls, so he could only like girls. Jonathan sighed and scratched his neck as he pulled into Argyle's driveway. He got out of his car, shyly walked up to the door and knocked.

A familiar lazy smile greeted him and Jonathan could've melted on the spot.

"Jonathan! Come on in, brochacho. I'm home alone today so we can like, do whatever."

Jonathan's heart shouldn't have skipped a beat at that simple statement but it did. He followed the tall man into the house and softly shut the door behind him.

"Do you wanna watch some T.V. in my room? I also have Mario if you wanna play that." Argyle stood, smile still on his face while Jonathan thought about his answer.

"Uh, T.V. is good, yeah let's do that." Jonathan pushed a smile.

"Alright, brochacho! Onward to my Fortress of Solitude." Argyle and Jonathan chuckled together.

Argyle stood in the doorway to his room, holding aside his beaded curtain so Jonathan could enter. Jonathan shyly proceeded once again. He felt his shoulder bump up against Argyle's chest, he wanted to say sorry but he didn't, he didn't know why he couldn't just simply say sorry. Instead he blushed at the contact and tried to hide his face. He plopped down on the bed awkwardly Argyle following in suit, he turned on the T.V.

The screen lit up slowly, soon revealing that the sitcom Soap was playing. Argyle turned to face Jonathan, their knees touching.

"This show is pretty funny, is it good if I keep it on, bro?" Argyle's never-fading smile lit up his dim bedroom. Jonathan could feel himself blushing again and quickly looked anywhere but Argyle's face.

"Yeah, this is good." Argyle chuckled a little bit, presumably at nothing. He then crawled more into the bed eventually laying down on his back, his arms resting on his stomach. Jonathan still sat at the end of the bed fidgeting with the hem of his t-shirt. He was then startled by the sound of Argyle patting the bed next to him.

"Come on, bro! Relax a little, come lay next to me." Jonathan hesitated a bit before crawling up next to Argyle, his heart beating out of his chest. He tried to focus on the show but he could only focus on Argyle. The calmness of his breathing, the occasional chuckles in response to the show, the way his hand was ever so slightly brushing against his.

Eventually, Argyle snaked his arm around Jonathan and that caused Jonathan to jump out of his skin. Argyle noticed and sat up a bit.

"Are you okay, man? Did I do something wrong? What's the matter? Should I move?" This slew of questions was probably the quickest Jonathan had ever heard Argyle speak. Jonathan sat up quickly to calm Argyle down and tried to form his response.

"Yeah, uh, I'm fine Argyle, don't worry. It's just..." Jonathan sat contemplating for a second, eyes locked on the blanket underneath them.

"It's just what, brochacho?" Argyle had a look of genuine concern on his face, his smile now gone. Jonathan couldn't bear to see Argyle frown any longer. He took a deep breath and sat up completely.

"It's just...I like you, Argyle. I like you a lot." Jonathan sat in silence, letting the statement hang in the air for a moment.

"I like you a lot too, Jonathan, that's why we're best friends, man!" Argyle's smile returned but it was one of confusion this time.

"No, Argyle listen. The way I like you is how you liked Eden. It's been bugging me for a while but I haven't said anything because I was afraid of how romantic feelings would change our relationship." Jonathan scratched nervously at his neck and continued after not hearing a response from Argyle.

"You're just so nice to me all the time, I've never really gotten that treatment from anyone in my life, besides my mom I guess. Not to mention you're funny, smart, pretty and you're just such a good person, Argyle. I honestly don't know where I would be right now without you, you're my best friend and I love you." Jonathan's eyes finally met Argyle's for the first time in a while and he was shocked to see tears forming.

"Argyle, I-" Jonathan was cut off. Argyle cupped Jonathan's face and softly pressed his lips against the smaller boy's. Jonathan's heart was beating quickly, his right hand resting around Argyle's wrist. Argyle pulled away and Jonathan's eyes fluttered open. He was greeted by the sweetest smile he'd ever seen Argyle muster. He wiped a stray tear from Argyle's face and pressed their foreheads together.

"So, I'll take that as you like me?" They both laughed.

"You know it, brochacho."
A/N: AHHHH JARGYLE!! I know I usually post Steddie but I just love these two so much so I wanted to write a silly little story about them :) hope you enjoyed reading chapter 1 🎈

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