Prologue - 2

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Welcome to another chapter! There will probably one more chapter for the prologue then interesting stuff can FINALLY happen... I mean unless the prologue is interesting idk.. haha


Upon leaving the classroom, his eyes were immediately bombarded with... Coloured hallways?

He was, to be honest, a tad bit intrigued by the school's design choices, but decided to keep his exploration to sizable chunks. To his disappointment, many of the doors in the halls he searched were locked, but he made sure to make a mental note of areas like the A/V room, bathrooms, a peculiar red door, the nurse's office, the gymnasium, and finally, the "Despair Hotel".

When first seeing the name for the last area, which seemed to be where the dorms are, he questioned the... Interesting choice of "despair" in the title, and continued his search for the main hall.

"I hope they won't be too fussed that I'm... A full 30 minutes late- Oh, who am I kidding, of course people will be annoyed. Only my first day and I'm already leaving a bad impression."

As Y/N turned the corner, which he assumed would reveal the main hall, he was disheartened to see all the other students, most of which looked grumpy and impatient. Others were either fidgeting or making small talk with their fellow classmates.

He was going to try walking over, quiet as possible, in hopes to not disturb his visibly annoyed classmates. Before he could, however, an almost unsettling voice started speaking, and an image of a black and white bear appeared on what seemed to be a television screen.

"Well, well, well! Took you long enough! Almost thought you were dead, but unfortunately, you’re here. Bet you were doing some analysing, hmm, Mr Y/N L/N, our Ultimate Analyst?"

Y/N's initial reaction was confusion. How did this strange bear know his name anyway? He then realised basically everyone in the room was looking right at him, so he finally attempted to break the ice.

"Oh, er, I'm sorry... I tend to get carried away with my... Inspections. I promise I won't be late next time."

He looked away in shame. Normally, he had no problem with appearing on time, but it's not like he could blame himself for this particular predicament. He awoke to find himself in an unfamiliar area, and it was always his first instinct to make sure he had seen as much as he could before moving on.

"No matter what you were doing, L/N, your tardiness is unacceptable! All of us were supposed to be gathered here at 8 a.m. sharp!"

Y/N switched his attention to the source of the voice, a loud one. He wasn't a big fan of loud noises, but he decided against mentioning something like that right now.

"Can we just, uh, get this, y'know, over and done with? Can you all just like- I dunno, say your names and Ultimates so we can like, move on?? I'm tired... And, y'know, uh.... And- And have no idea what the fuck's going on."

Despite some students' protests, all of them had ended up introducing themselves. In his notebook, (that seemingly came out of nowhere) he wrote down each person's name and ultimate.

Kiyotaka Ishimaru - Ultimate Moral Compass

Toko Fukawa - Ultimate Writing Prodigy

Sayaka Maizono - Ultimate Pop Sensation

Leon Kuwata - Ultimate Baseball Star

Hifumi Yamada - Ultimate Fanfic Creator

Aoi Asahina - Ultimate Swimming Pro

Chihiro Fujisaki - Ultimate Programmer

Kyoko Kirigiri - Ultimate ???

Junko Enoshima - Ultimate Fashionista

Mondo Owada - Ultimate Biker Gang Leader

Sakura Ogami - Ultimate Martial Artist

Byakuya Togami - Ultimate Affluent Progeny

Yasuhiro Hagakure - Ultimate Clairvoyant

Celestia Ludenburg - Ultimate Gambler

Makoto Naegi - Ultimate Lucky Student

Shortly after Y/N was done the strange voice spoke once again.

"Ahh, to all incoming students! Since L/N is fiiinally here I would like to begin the entrance ceremony at... right now! Please make your way to the gymnasium at your earliest convenience. That's all. I'll be waiting!"

Ignoring Monokuma's obvious saltiness towards Y/N appearing late the students started speaking up.

"...What. The. Hell was that just now?"

"Well then, if you'll excuse me..."

And so Byakuya Togami, the Ultimate Stuck-up, left the room.

"H-Hey! What, you're gonna take off just like that!?"

"Ohh yeah, now I get it! This whole thing was just to get us all pumped for the entrance ceremony!"

"Man, thank god it was all a joke. I'd be totally freaked if this was real!"

"Alright, guess I'll head out, too. Wonder what they got planned for us next..."

"Damn, I was totally looking forward to that nap, too. Why'd they have to go and kill the mood?"

"W-Wait for me! I wanna go with you!"

"That is that, then. I will see you all there."

"N-Not that anyone cares, but I-I'm gonna go, too..."

And so there were only few people left in the entrance hall. Since Y/N is a coward- I mean... Felt they were the safest option, approached Makoto and Sayaka.

'I dont like talking to people but being completely alone isn't very ideal either.'

"Oh, hey L/N! So you didn't leave yet either?"

"..Uhh, yeah. Didn't really feel like it, haha..."

Maizono spoke up, "Well, like Ogami said! We should start heading to the gym."

Both Makoto and Y/N agreed before making their way towards the gym doors.


Author here again! I just wanted to say it's going to be my birthday only a few hours after I publish this so Happy Early Birthday me! Haha...

The Ultimate Analyst - Makoto Naegi x Male!Reader ⚠️DISCONTINUED⚠️Where stories live. Discover now