6. Birthday and redheads

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-I don't want music- complained Nate turning off the radio that had just started playing "Fluorescent" of Artic Monkeys. I growled and turned on the radio again giving him a deadly look. To what he reactioned laughing and rising up his hands as a peace symbol.

-Oh, that boy's a slag, the best you ever had. The best you ever had, is just a memory and those dreams. Not as daft as they seem, not as daft as they seem. My love when you dream them up.- I sang acting a dumb and terrible voice tone as Nate covered his ears and I laughed.

-You're a great singer, Abs- he laughed denying with his head. I rolled my eyes and turned to the right to refuel the car.

-I know, I should participate in the X Factor or The Voice. I would certainly win much more fame than One Direction or Susan Boyle.- he looked at me and I laughed as I went out of the car.

When the gas tank was full, I entered to the car taking a great surprise. Nate listened - and sang- "Don't look back in anger" of Oasis. I entered with an eyebrow raised and drived silently. The boy had stopped but he left the song playing.

-You're not a bad singer, you know?- I raised my shoulders and kept driving.

Nate Collins blushing? You don't see that daily.

But looking at it, I didn't see Nate Collins daily.

I drived getting out of the city for arriving to a club with Nate's random comments as "Where are you taking me?" "Are you kidnapping me?" and "We are getting out of the city!". That made me want to kick him out of the car.

-We have arrived- I went out of the car and whistled looking at the place. As I said, inflatable games, Kyle was in a corner with a barbecue. Chloe went from a place to another socializing with the -parents- guests. Theo and Alai were playing with their friends, and the grandparents were eating near Rose and Kyle. They were lots of people that looked alike, I thought they were the family.

-I can't enter.- he whispered backing down and the car stopped him. I looked at him.

-Why? We are already in here, you...

-You don't understand Abby, you don't know the complete story. I don't know how...

-You're right, I don't know the complete story. But you didn't come here to confront your family. You came to see Theo. Your siblings will be very happy to see you. Do it for them, okay?- I stretched my hand trying to give him confidence. He doubted but finally he sighed and took it.

-Promise that you will never leave me.- I raised an eyebrow -I-in the party, of course- and I nodded a little confused.

-Okay, I promise.

I didn't really know how this was going to function, but I couldn't stop thinking that my hand was touching the mean boy's from the other side.

When we just gave a step inside, he holded it tighter nervously. And much more when Chloe saw us.

She covered her mouth and smiled as she ran towards us.  Her mother hugged him tightly.

-I am so happy you went out baby, it's incredible.- Nate didn't release my hand, so I made the hand that was holding mine hug his mother.- I know you won't talk, and I respect that. But I am really happy to see you. I love you.- she smiled taking on her hands his son's face and placing a loud Kiss on his forehead. She released him and hugged me, I looked at Nate clearly confused and he raised his shoulders. -And thank you too. I had already said that, but anyway thank you. You arrived home in the perfect moment and I am starting to question if you are some kind of angel.- she laughd and kissed my cheek.- I won't take more of your time. Theo and Alai are in the balls pool.- she smiled and gave a last kiss to his son.

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