The Taking Of Finney Blake

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Finneys POV
I was on my way to Robin's house since it was Friday and we where gonna watch Texas chainsaw masscere. A man fell in front of me spilling all his groceries Hey kid wanna see a magic trick? Sure, are those black balloons? Oh yes wanna see? Next thing I knew I was shoved and fought in the van and he sprayed something in my mouth last thing I saw before I blacked out was the door shutting and ballons outside.

Robin's POV
finney should've been here a hour ago.. maybe I should call Bruce too see if he saw him ( in this all kidnapped kids weren't kidnapped just 3 random kids )

Bruce's POV
RING RING I pick up the phone and it was robin hey Bruce I'm worried finney should've been at my house a hour ago! With on the kidnappings what if.. you know.. no I haven't seem him.. if he isnt there by 5 go to the Blake's house and see if he's there if not file a missing person. Alright.. thanks Bruce I'll let you know what happens. Thanks man. Anytime.

Finneys POV
I should snap your neck for what you did to my arm. I was thrown on a very still mattress and I barely could see. Want a soda? I was scared shitless I didn't respond. I'll get ya a soda. Prepare for tomorrow for what you did to my arm I'll go extra hard on you. I froze as he left the was a empty room with nothing besides a mattress and toilet. I fell asleep for about a hour and he brought food down for me.
Here eat. No, what if there's drugs in it? I already got you down here so there's no point. Eat it don't I don't care he walks out not locking the door

Robin's pov
30 minutes past 5 and he wasn't at home so, mr.blake filed a missing person file. And they found where he was taken and there was a hole bunch of balloons at the scene.

I later was at the park with my best friends vance,bruce,billy,griffin they where trying to make me feel better.Didnt work. God knows what is happening to him.God I'm gonna kill who took him.

Finneys pov
I ate the unseasoned scrabled eggs and flat sprite.i thought going up stairs since the door was open. I opened the door and walked up stairs wishing I never have.
As soon as I got up there I was beat with a belt handed then ever leaving me bleeding and passed out.(there's no phone in this)

Vances POV
For no reason all of us got a chill down are spine it last a long ass time. Robin's head was on my shoulder something was wrong something happened to finney we know damn well. I "hate" that blake kid.. actually I didn't I saw him as a little brother but never shown it everyone saw him as a little brother or big brother or in Robin's case.Boyfriend

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