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Finneys pov

This is the night I'll escape. I will. The door was unlocked and the grabber was snoreing this was perfect time. Late Halloween night which means there HAS to be people out.right? I opened the door slowly walking up getting flashbacks.

I got to the front door slowly dialing inthe order of numbers shaking in fear as soon as I got it locked  the dog started barking.  Then I completely bolted I saw his eye open and I ran so fast the cold air going into my fresh scars leaving me hissing. The grabber chased me and I screamed as loud as I can. He tackled me say a word and I'll slit your throat. I saw porch lights turn on including Robin'sROBIN HELP That was he slit my throat and I died on the spot..

The grabbers pov

When I saw it was cleared I pulled his lifeless body in the van and pulled up to the house. Damn I kinda like you finney blake I buried him next to the last kid Ashton Taylor

Robin pov

I swear I heard something but there was nothing so u headed back to to sleep

I woke up to vance throwing rocks at my window and bolted downstairs. I felt everything shatter.  Robin. Last night Gwen found the house we tried everything to wake you up but rob.. they found him dead. Everything came to the end for me and the group.i broke down on the spot.i failed him. We where gonna find him today.we where. We where to late and it's all my fault. The noise I heard was him.

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